about 3 years
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Hello everyone happy year of the Tiger! To celebrate we have another regular update for you! Some new things, tons of bugfixes and an announcement. Check it out!

Alright lets start with the announcement:
This will be our last regular update before 0.7 (potential hotfix not included) as we are all hands on deck for it from now on. So keep an eye out on news and announcements and we will see you all on 0.7!

First off let's start with celebrating the Lunar New Year! As a part of the ongoing Steam sale you can get SCUM for 40% off right now! So what are you waiting for? Get it for yourself if you haven't already, get it for your friends, hell get it for your next door neighbor. Just in time before 0.7 hits in soon future.

But that is not all. To help you celebrate the New Year we added a new item inspired by a tradition we heard about from our Chinese community.
The Double bang firecracker can now be found on the island.

Find this thingy on the island before the Lunar year ends so you can light it and keep the evil spirits away, and have good luck for the rest of the year.

Alright up next we have a quite an important one. This one has been teased a little bit and is a prequel to the story and a faction you will encounter in the future. The PT-29 rapid recovery serum or codenamed "Phoenix Tears" can now be found on the island. This extremely rare item is more valuable than gold. Rather than explaining what it does to you I am just going to past the text from the design document.
Kids and women were mostly testing subjects and they were seldom exposed to different experiments which included drugs c*cktails, synthetic hormones and radiation in order to provoke their immune system. The purpose was to create the serum capable of restoring the body from almost any type of disease or physical damage. The company soon got results and Phoenix Tears were created, an experimental secret military grade injectable. Provides rapid and near instantaneous stabilization and recovery of ANY and ALL injuries at once, perhaps even death. Rare as a snowflake touching down in hell.

Well they are rare as a snowflake touching down in hell but how do you find them? Well in certain bunkers around the island you will find new containers mounted on the walls.

These are secure locked boxes for which you will need to be highly skilled in order to open them, and then you have chance to either get a random medical item or the highly valued PT-29.

We got your feedback about bicycles and heavily reworked how they are utilized. First off you will see that all of the animations have been reworked so you will now have a more natural feeling when riding a bike.

You can tell now that depending on the speed of your pedaling your character will adjust the position on the bike to maximize the speed. We have also adjusted the max speed of the bicycle making it a much more useful vehicle for moving around the island. Not only that but we adjusted the physics on bikes to be much more realistic, one of the products is that you no longer need to pedal to go forward when going downhill.

This and many tweaks are awaiting your Dave Mirra experience.

And since you asked we have added new variations of items because we can, and you guys like loot.

We have added new variations of the compound bow, now in multiple camouflage patterns.

And what is a proper bow without a matching quiver.

Spears have also been touched upon with new textures.

Alright lets start with the announcement:
This will be our last regular update before 0.7 (potential hotfix not included) as we are all hands on deck for it from now on. So keep an eye out on news and announcements and we will see you all on 0.7!

First off let's start with celebrating the Lunar New Year! As a part of the ongoing Steam sale you can get SCUM for 40% off right now! So what are you waiting for? Get it for yourself if you haven't already, get it for your friends, hell get it for your next door neighbor. Just in time before 0.7 hits in soon future.

But that is not all. To help you celebrate the New Year we added a new item inspired by a tradition we heard about from our Chinese community.
The Double bang firecracker can now be found on the island.

Find this thingy on the island before the Lunar year ends so you can light it and keep the evil spirits away, and have good luck for the rest of the year.

Alright up next we have a quite an important one. This one has been teased a little bit and is a prequel to the story and a faction you will encounter in the future. The PT-29 rapid recovery serum or codenamed "Phoenix Tears" can now be found on the island. This extremely rare item is more valuable than gold. Rather than explaining what it does to you I am just going to past the text from the design document.
Kids and women were mostly testing subjects and they were seldom exposed to different experiments which included drugs c*cktails, synthetic hormones and radiation in order to provoke their immune system. The purpose was to create the serum capable of restoring the body from almost any type of disease or physical damage. The company soon got results and Phoenix Tears were created, an experimental secret military grade injectable. Provides rapid and near instantaneous stabilization and recovery of ANY and ALL injuries at once, perhaps even death. Rare as a snowflake touching down in hell.

Well they are rare as a snowflake touching down in hell but how do you find them? Well in certain bunkers around the island you will find new containers mounted on the walls.

These are secure locked boxes for which you will need to be highly skilled in order to open them, and then you have chance to either get a random medical item or the highly valued PT-29.

We got your feedback about bicycles and heavily reworked how they are utilized. First off you will see that all of the animations have been reworked so you will now have a more natural feeling when riding a bike.

You can tell now that depending on the speed of your pedaling your character will adjust the position on the bike to maximize the speed. We have also adjusted the max speed of the bicycle making it a much more useful vehicle for moving around the island. Not only that but we adjusted the physics on bikes to be much more realistic, one of the products is that you no longer need to pedal to go forward when going downhill.

This and many tweaks are awaiting your Dave Mirra experience.

And since you asked we have added new variations of items because we can, and you guys like loot.

We have added new variations of the compound bow, now in multiple camouflage patterns.

And what is a proper bow without a matching quiver.

Spears have also been touched upon with new textures.

- Fixed the bug where handguns would clip through cars when aiming.
- Fixed the bug where lockpicking items would not properly remove usage left number.
- Fixed the bug where water buckets would spill their content when picked up.
- Fixed the bug where zappers would deal damage even if they are turned off in custom zones.
- Fixed the bug where holding a handgun as passenger would sometimes bug the prisoners vision.
- Fixed the bug where the Thai language was not selectable.
- Fixed the bug where the Polish language was not selectable.
- Fixed the bug where Empty bag would hover in hand when picked up.
- Fixed the bug where the prisoner would sometimes aim sideways when in vehicle.
- Fixed the bug where you could lockpick doors even though it was disabled in custom zones.
- Fixed the bug where iron sights would be disappear from weapons when messing around with the inventory.
- Fixed the big where player was unable to draw a weapon on some cruiser motorbikes.
- Fixed the bug where some melee weapons could be thrown through walls.
- Fixed the bug where the camera would sometimes clip through vehicles.
- Fixed the bug where default weapon sights would appear on weapon after relogging with attachment sights equipped.
- Fixed the bug where prisoner was unable to draw the compound bow after adjusting draw weight on it.
- Fixed the bug where prisoners could see each other behind trees when they shouldn't.
- Fixed the bug where metal detector would drop to floor instead to holster when holster button from quick access is pressed.
- Fixed the bug where shovels could not be placed on the ground via drag and drop.
- Fixed the bug where player could not hear the repair sounds when someone else is repairing something.
- Fixed the bug where if the player was fishing and enters the event the fishing line would automatically break.
- Fixed a bug where if prisoner would try to holster an item mid jump the item would drop on the floor instead.
- Fixed the bug where vehicles would not take damage when colliding with other vehicles.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to stack barbed spike traps infinitely.
- Fixed the bug where you couldn't place items or BB elements over buried items.
- Fixed the bug where shooting any game object would give XP.
- Fixed the bug where fortification health was not properly loaded to clients.
- Fixed the bug where you could disarm suicide puppets through doors.
- Fixed the bug where bicycles would start burning and explode when damaged.
- Fixed some grammatical errors on items.
- Potential fix for the invisible bug.

- Prisoners will now also pee when they poop.
- You can no longer put grenades back into inventory once the pin is pulled.
- Mine detectors will now detect barbed wire BB elements.
- Lowered the percentage of health on vehicles when they get set on fire.
- Increased the time the vehicle can be on fire before it explodes.
- Vehicles are now detectable with metal detectors.
- All BB elements with metal parts are now detectable with metal detectors.
- Compound bow max draw weight is now increased to 120 pounds.
- Buffed the damage for the Katana.
- Nerfed the damage for the Bushman knife.
- Decreased the Christmas item spawning ratio.
- Tweaked the bicycle camera.
- Added tooltips for Custom Zone Settings.
- Disabled the ability to light fireworks when in hands.

- #Silence <Player> [Duration (hours), 0 or no argument = Indefinitely]
Prevents the silenced player from sending messages to other players.
- New server parameter:
"DisableSuicidePuppetSpawning" That is set by default on 0 and turning it to 1 will disable suicide puppets from spawning on server.
FlagOvertakeDuration=86400 That is default value of this setting it's measured in second and it determines how long the flag overtake will last.
- Added an Admin chat channel in ingame chat.
- Added new option to disable BB damage on Admin panel zones.