[2022] SCUM - Development update #7
about 3 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
about 3 years ago -
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And we are back with another Development update, this time on time! Curious about the progress on 0.7 we made this week? Check it out!
Fixing the build machine.
Merging development builds from different branches.
Finishing touches on the Phoenix tears effect.
Implemented particle effects support for bicycles.
Tweaking the first person view in planes.
Created support for locking the camera in first person while operating vehicles.
Implemented mouse control support for operating planes.
Implemented support for switching seats while in airplanes.
Fixing issues with the parachutes.
Working on a system where the player can remain in the vehicle in case of a server crash.
Investigating the desync issue.
Support for caching data on server restart.
Resolving issues with animals and vehicles.
Resolving placement issues.
Testing and improving the vehicle desync issues.
Optimizing terrain shaders.
Reworking material textures.
Further work on ruined houses.
Reworking ruined houses.
Further work on stone houses.
Optimization of furniture.
Creation of ruined coastal dry walls.
Level bugfixing.
Exporting head models for the NPCs.
Reworking the Block handgun.
Creating new clothing options.
Resolving animation bugs.
Working on the 0.7 trailer.
Finishing the new car model.
Texturing the new Grenade Launcher.
Retexturing the wooden bats.
Creating new female clothing options.
Making the destroyed airplane mesh.
Finishing the new bike.
Working on the trader NPC audio.
Catching and banning cheaters.
Reporting feedback from the community.
Reporting the bugs.
Reporting the 0.7 build bugs and issues.
Started working on 2 mystery events.
That's all form us for now folks, talk to yall soon. Real soon.
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