[2023] SCUM - Hotfix 0.9.500.80425
about 1 year ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
about 1 year ago -
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Hello all! Hope you are enjoying 0.95! We have a small hotfix here for you to resolve some issues so check it out!
Fixed the issue where characters would stutter while skydiving.
Fixed the issue where fire ring and improvised fire place could not be used for cooking in SP.
Fixed the issue where apply button was always grayed out at barber trader.
Fixed the issue where squad tab would sometimes not update.
Fixed the issue on server settings where you could not disable vehicle spawns.
Fixed the issue where you could not switch to drone mode when you already played as a character.
Fixed the issue where using autowalk in drone mode would sometimes bug out.
Fixed the issue where some recipes were missing in the new system.
Fixed the issue where messing with garden blueprints could cause a client crash.
Fixed the issue where UI elements overlapped on check ammo action.
Fixed the issue which caused fuses to disappear from switchboards on server restart.
Fixed the issue where it was not possible to use the cooking pot and pan in SP.
Fixed the issue where camera FOV would twitch when entering vehicles.
Fixed the issue where vehicles ignored spawning limit set in server settings.
Fixed the issue where smoking a cigarette while wearing a hazmat suit would turn you into a Halloween freak of nature.
Added SCAR DMR weapon parts to Armorer trader inventory.
Temporarily removed FP gain when acquiring a gold card.
Crafting locks will not give FP anymore.
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