2 months ago - TheGamepires - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s n
2s [Music]
26s [Music]
35s and it's another week so it's time for
37s another behind the SS video this time
40s around we're talking to the lead
41s animator hello good sir hello who are
44s you and what is your position here uh
47s hello uh I'm hior and I'm the lead
49s animator here at gamir all right and how
52s long have you been at gamir uh this will
54s be my seventh year now seventh year so
56s you've been here since the beginning
58s right yeah worked on every major feat so
60s far yeah anything that you see in the
62s game and probably a lot of stuff that
64s you don't see at the moment yeah uh
66s that's great but could you explain to us
68s what exactly does the animator
69s Department do uh it's always a tricky
72s question but uh uh let's keep it simple
75s anything that needs to move in the game
77s has to go through our hands anything
79s organic or
81s mechanical uh and uh let's uh covering
84s the gameplay part of the game and on uh
87s when we have time we have to also cover
89s the trailer trailer promotion materials
91s and so on that sounds nice and uh what
95s has been the the biggest challenge for
96s you as an animator here uh actually I
100s would say it would be explaining to my
103s family that I'm not animating any kind
105s of birthday parties or Bachelor parties
108s that I'm actually having a serious job
111s all right and can you show us what
112s you're working on right now uh sure but
114s for that we'll have to move to the mo
116s part of the firm all right let's go and
119s we're back with the IG the MIP area and
121s what do you have for us all right uh
124s here we have a scene uh that has a lot
126s of placeholder animations uh those
128s animations were great for creating a
130s blockout but once we created the
132s blockout we saw that a few animations
135s need a lot of polishing so we it's
137s easier to actually record them again mhm
140s uh you can please play the
143s video uh here we can see the guy being
145s shot at something big is flying above
148s his head
151s but his movements are too stiff and he's
153s not actually looking at the drop ship
156s itself and the next scene actually is
158s missing the animation itself mhm okay
162s stop the
163s video let's not spoil too much uh and if
167s you want to see how we actually record
169s these MP animations we can show you
171s quickly yes I would like to see how we
173s do that all right
178s [Music]
200s [Music]
202s don't
206s [Music]
210s oh
219s [Music]
229s [Music]
254s [Music]
267s why you sleeping on the job Sarah
269s doesn't fire HT
272s [Music]