almost 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
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almost 3 years ago - Beda - Direct link
Well long time no see, but we are back with another update. This one has some major changes so pay close attention!

Alright, this one is a big one and contains a lot of information so pay attention. You wanted more metabolism and we are here to deliver. Contamination and infections are now active and a real threat to prisoners.

Let's take it slow. What are infections? Well, it's an invasion and growth of germs/microbes in the body. And the most common way to get it is on unclean and non-sanitized open wounds. So let's talk about that.

From now on when you get a bleeding wound, depending on the clothes you have on, if any, and their cleanliness your wounds can now get Contaminated. The levels of contamination are as follows.
  • No clothes: 0%
  • Completely clean Clothes: 50%
  • Completely dirty clothes: 100%

So the level of contamination from clothing varies on how clean/dirty they are.

No clothes, since nothing is contaminating the clothes there is no contamination part on the toolbar.

Putting a clean clothing item rises the wound contamination to around 50%.

Putting dirty clothing item on rises the contamination level to around 100%

If you have a wound on your legs and you pissed your pants the contamination will rise to 75%, so despite what your grandparents told you it is not a good idea to piss on an open wound.

Alright, we have that covered but you might be wondering: Ok but there is a lot of information on this tooltip right now, what does it mean? Worry not friends I will explain it all right away.
  • First off we have the Contamination bar. This is a useful bar that will automatically show you the progress of your contamination level and its rising or falling rate.
  • Next up we have External Pathogens and Wound germs. These are the bacteria that are entering your body and can lead to infections. External pathogens are all the bacteria that come from outside sources, like explained dirty clothes or dirty bandages, which we will touch upon in a bit. Wound germs can manifest inside of the wound if enough External pathogens are introduced to it. The total contamination rising level is the 2 of them added up.
  • Now we have your Immune system. The Immune system is the ability of your own body to combat outside bacteria with its own defensive mechanism. The strength of your Immune system depends on your Constitution stat. The Immune system can be boosted with antibiotics again more on that down below.

So how do you combat Contamination? Well by disinfecting the wound and or using the right bandages. Medical items are all disinfected. Rags have the same Contamination level as clothing. Clean rags are 50%, dirty ones 100%. But we added another rag type available to craft: aseptic rag. All you need is a clean rag and some isopropyl alcohol. Then just select the rag and you can disinfect it.

You can also apply the alcohol, or absinthe also works in these cases, directly on your wound to disinfect it, but be careful tho. On open surfaces, the alcohol starts to evaporate after a while so you will have to maintain the cleanliness of the wound. You can do that by removing bandages and adding new ones or cleaning the wound again. That is right you can now remove the bandage when you patch up a wound. It's pretty useful when you have a dirty rag to patch up immediately and want to switch out to a clean one when safe to avoid infection.

Bandaged up wounds have a little white arrow on them which you can click and choose to remove the bandage that way.

Ok so we have that covered, now what happens if you have no choice and need to stop bleeding with a dirty bandage or have a bigger wound or maybe multiple, so more bacteria go in and your contamination level reaches 100%. Then an infection manifests. There are 3 stages of the infection.

Depending on which stage the infection is in it will influence your statistics and proficiency for as long as it is active, and will slowly deal damage over time. Once your infection rate fills up stage 3 you will manifest Sepsis in your body.

Note: Your bleeding wound will not exit the recovery state for as long as the infection regarding that wound is still active.

Sepsis is a dangerous state where your infection has already spread so much that your body will start attacking itself. If all of the wounds and infections are left untreated Sepsis will lead to death and will highly impact the performance of your character.

Remember how you can boost your immune system by using antibiotics? This is how you combat infections and sepsis. By taking an antibiotic you can boost your immune system and help it destroy the bacteria that is the source of the infection and help your body close the wound up after it is all gone.

Keep in mind that in case of multiple infected wounds your immune system will need to adjust on all of them accordingly to the severity of those wounds.

Once all of the infections are clear, the sepsis will clear as well and that will get you good to go.

Oh, and there is another thing here. Puppets now cause Wound germs on their hits with their dirty dirty nails so be careful!

We have another NPC trader for you all: the Doctor.

The Doctor sells all kinds of medical items and utilities, after all, health is important but not free in a survival scenario.

Another nifty feature is the new BB door remote. You can place these on any lvl 3 and above BB doors.

The feature contains 2 items, the remote key and remote sensor. Before you can start using it you will need to pair the key to the system in your inventory.

You can pair up to 10 keys to one sensor. But be careful once paired anyone can use it, even the enemy.

Once paired you have a new slot where you can place the sensor.

And then you can either put it in a quick access slot or use it in inventory to open/close doors!

We also have a new weapon for you all, the DT-11B sawed off.

  • Fixed the bug where you couldn't refuel the boats at certain gas stations.
  • Fixed the bug where you wouldn't get foot abrasions and shoes wouldn't lose durability while mounted on a wheelbarrow.
  • Fixed the bug where rabbits and chickens would react to drones.
  • Fixed the bug where you would have ammo stack 0/20, 0/30.
  • Fixed the bug where you could choose head option number 7 in character creation menu.
  • Fixed the bug where swapping back seats while the vehicle is moving would cause the player that is swapping seats to move outside the vehicle.
  • Fixed the bug where base building doors would be visible from a large distance.
  • Fixed the bug where the killbox host wasn't saying quotes.
  • Fixed the bug where players wouldn't get unsilenced after their silence duration has expired.
  • Fixed the bug where using the "#listsilencedplayers true" command with no silenced players would cause a fatal error.
  • Fixed the bug where re-equippig one of the dirty items would cause all of the clothes to look clean.
  • Fixed the bug where items would sometimes disappear upon holstering them.
  • Fixed the bug where items would sometimes go in the wrong holster.
  • Fixed the bug where the prisoner would respawn inside the upgraded bed.
  • Fixed the bug that would show the player interactions with explosive traps which are not implemented yet.
  • Fixed the bug where the wheelbarrow would launch into the air on low FPS.
  • Fixed the bug where the prisoner would get stuck doing an animation while uncrafting bundles.
  • Fixed the bug where the prisoner could respawn on destroyed shelter.
  • Fixed the bug where double-clicking ammunition from the vicinity into your inventory wouldn't stack ammo correctly and would sometimes consume extra ammo.
  • Fixed the bug that would cause the number of remaining uses of an item in a chest to be displayed incorrectly in the treatment panel.
  • Level design fixes.

  • Increased fillable radius for replenish able resources.
  • Adjusted buying and selling prices depending on the number of online players.
  • Tab panels will now stay open if you jump in place or fall for a short time.
  • Temporarily removed birds from the game (pending rework).
  • Only owners and squadmates can now push vehicles.
  • Urination will make your lower body clothes 50% dirtier now.
  • Adjusted sardine meat vitamin B6 amount.
  • Added "Vehicle parking" option to custom zone settings.
  • Soap now has 10 uses instead of 30.

  • We have a new server settings for you:
    Under [SCUM]
    AllowSkillGainInSafeZones=0 (that is default value)
    (0 means that skill gain in safe zones is disabled and 1 means it's enabled)
