10 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
10 months ago - Beda - Direct link
Hey hey all! Might as well call us MJ of hotfixes because we got 6 of em at this point. Check it out!

  • Fixed the issue where magazine would be destroyed during reload animation causing a game crash.
  • Fixed the issue where fortifications would sometimes cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where #VisualizeVehicleTrajectory command could cause a crash.
  • Fixed the issue where database would show errors regarding chest acquisition.
  • Fixed the issue where throwing grenades in events could cause a client crash.
  • Potential fix for the super loud nocturnal wildlife SFX.
  • Fixed the issue where abandoned bunker armory lockers would not properly reset loot.

  • Tweaked vehicle storage collision, giving them more wiggle room to fit in garages.
  • Objects that are not affected by gravity can now be spawned with #spawnitem command +/-10m in regards of ground level.
  • Key cards no longer spawn in abandoned bunker armory lockers.