[2022] SCUM - Development update #27
over 2 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
over 2 years ago -
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Happy Monday everyone! Time for another Development update. The peeps at the office have been real busy bees so check out what was going on.
Resolving issues with the new female models.
Further work on ATM UI.
Setting up prisoner controller for plastic surgery.
Separating animations of character creation from plastic surgery.
Finished the quick access rework.
Resolving issues with prisoner appearance rework.
Improving the BB snapping algorithm.
Refactoring the code.
Added endurance gain parameter on some vehicles.
Added new side effect for energy drinks.
Working on backend code for modular vehicles.
Refactored the character creation system.
Working on the plastic surgery and character creation panel.
Finishing up on Samobor optimizations.
Working on Samobor distant LODs.
Working on the plastic surgery operating hall.
Packing the Nuclear powerplant blueprints.
Optimizing the Nuclear powerplant POI.
Optimizing Nuclear powerplant assets.
Creating modular BB electricity elements.
Finishing the new catwalks.
Finishing the new harbor crane.
Modeling the buildings for the Nuclear powerplant plaza.
Texturing the Water Processing Building assets.
Modeling the Nitrogen Oxygen Plant building.
Working on the control room building.
Working on the hair physics parameters.
Finishing the Women models animations.
Finishing the operating table model.
Working on the new GL model.
Working on the SCAR-H model.
Adopting the clothing items for new player models.
Weighting new clothing items.
Working on new UI layouts.
Working on the modular vehicles sounds.
Tweaking the voice chat.
Testing upcoming features
Community feedback
Catching and banning cheaters
Steam bug reports and general discussion
Working on the International program 2nd wave
Bug reporting
Potential fix for the remote door and key batteries draining.
Working on the electricity design document.
Tweaking the CON gain and loss statistics.
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