over 1 year
ago -
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A smokin' hot hotfix is out, along with some important announcements that you don't want to miss. Check it out below!

For all the server owners and admins out there, you might have noticed a few changes after the latest update when you opened SCUM's "Server settings". Read about the changes and what they do, below:
scum.LogoutTimerInBunker=30000.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerCommotionThreshold=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerCommotionThresholdPerPlayerExtra=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThreshold=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThresholdPerPlayerExtra=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.LogoutTimerInBunker - Refers to how long the player will stay on the server after he is logged out in the abandoned bunkers.
AbandonedBunkerCommotionThreshold - Base limit for the simulated loudness in order to start making noises by Razer in the closes vent.
AbandonedBunkerCommotionThresholdPerPlayerExtra - Addition for every player in the bunker.
AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThreshold - Threshold for Razers to spawn from the first vent.
AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThresholdPerPlayerExtra - Addition for every player in the bunker.
Now you can tweak your experience roaming the abandoned bunkers in every way you want!
Go crazy!
Usually, the hotfix would be over right about now but this isn't your typical hotfix. We have an announcement and a little something special for you guys so, keep reading below!

A lot of you have been requesting this for some time now and it's finally here! Official solo/duo servers!
For those who want to play as a lone wolf or team up with a single buddy they trust with their life, your wishes came true! These server act identical to official servers, meaning EVERYTHING is the same EXCEPT squad limiting. On "Solo/Duo servers", you can have only 1 squad member with you. On "Solo" servers, it's just you and The Island.
Here is a list of available solo/duo servers with their IP's:
SCUM Server Official #1 - Europe Solo/Duo
SCUM Server Official #1 - Europe Solo
SCUM Server Official #1 - US Central Solo/Duo
SCUM Server Official 1 - US Central Solo

We neglected to mention a couple of very important thing about the "Weapon skins DLC" and the "Weapon charms DLC". Unfortunately, that part was miscommunicated and we apologize for the confusion. Here goes:
Supporter pack 1 owners will receive -> 1 weapon skin pattern & 1 weapon charm (wire pattern and the BCU weapon charm)
Supporter pack 2 owners will receive -> 1 weapon skin pattern (psychedelic pattern)
If you don't own any of the supporter packs or DLCs, not to worry!
The "Solid color" paintjob (for every color of spray paint you can find) is available for FREE to everyone, so you can apply it to your guns and enjoy!
You can find ANY color of spray paint and paint your weapon in that specific solid color, as shown in the pictures below:

In addition to painting your weapon in a solid color, you can add the WIRE pattern to your paintjob also,
as shown in the pictures below:

Don't forget about the cool BCU weapon charm you also get with supporter pack 1

In addition to painting your weapon in a solid color, you can add the PSYCHEDELIC pattern to your paintjob also, as shown in the pictures below:

Once again, a mistake on our side for miscommunicating that part. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.

- Fixed an edge-case visual issue with the flamethrower going through walls
- Fixed collision on Bunker entrance
- Fixed various character creation and plastic surgery issues
- Fixed "damage to vehicles" and "damage to bases" custom zone settings not working as intended
- Fixed a server crash related to switchboards

- Removed Snipers, LMGs and Grenade launchers from the Weapons store in Samobor (they can only be found in abandoned bunkers and with the trader)
- Added collisions to prevent players from hiding under the stairs
- Re-arranged boxes at the bottom of the stairs to prevent Mr. Brenner from getting stuck
- Buffed INT upgrade chance per medical skill
No skill-> Success rate 12.5%
Basic skill -> Success rate 25%
Medium skill -> Success rate 50%
Advanced - > Success rate 75%
- Given all players another free plastic surgery
- Lowered the noise level of all Rags and Rag stripes

For all the server owners and admins out there, you might have noticed a few changes after the latest update when you opened SCUM's "Server settings". Read about the changes and what they do, below:
scum.LogoutTimerInBunker=30000.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerCommotionThreshold=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerCommotionThresholdPerPlayerExtra=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThreshold=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThresholdPerPlayerExtra=-1.000000 (default value)
scum.LogoutTimerInBunker - Refers to how long the player will stay on the server after he is logged out in the abandoned bunkers.
AbandonedBunkerCommotionThreshold - Base limit for the simulated loudness in order to start making noises by Razer in the closes vent.
AbandonedBunkerCommotionThresholdPerPlayerExtra - Addition for every player in the bunker.
AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThreshold - Threshold for Razers to spawn from the first vent.
AbandonedBunkerEnemyActivationThresholdPerPlayerExtra - Addition for every player in the bunker.
Now you can tweak your experience roaming the abandoned bunkers in every way you want!
Go crazy!
Usually, the hotfix would be over right about now but this isn't your typical hotfix. We have an announcement and a little something special for you guys so, keep reading below!

A lot of you have been requesting this for some time now and it's finally here! Official solo/duo servers!
For those who want to play as a lone wolf or team up with a single buddy they trust with their life, your wishes came true! These server act identical to official servers, meaning EVERYTHING is the same EXCEPT squad limiting. On "Solo/Duo servers", you can have only 1 squad member with you. On "Solo" servers, it's just you and The Island.
Here is a list of available solo/duo servers with their IP's:
SCUM Server Official #1 - Europe Solo/Duo
SCUM Server Official #1 - Europe Solo
SCUM Server Official #1 - US Central Solo/Duo
SCUM Server Official 1 - US Central Solo

We neglected to mention a couple of very important thing about the "Weapon skins DLC" and the "Weapon charms DLC". Unfortunately, that part was miscommunicated and we apologize for the confusion. Here goes:
Supporter pack 1 owners will receive -> 1 weapon skin pattern & 1 weapon charm (wire pattern and the BCU weapon charm)
Supporter pack 2 owners will receive -> 1 weapon skin pattern (psychedelic pattern)
If you don't own any of the supporter packs or DLCs, not to worry!
The "Solid color" paintjob (for every color of spray paint you can find) is available for FREE to everyone, so you can apply it to your guns and enjoy!
You can find ANY color of spray paint and paint your weapon in that specific solid color, as shown in the pictures below:

In addition to painting your weapon in a solid color, you can add the WIRE pattern to your paintjob also,
as shown in the pictures below:

Don't forget about the cool BCU weapon charm you also get with supporter pack 1

In addition to painting your weapon in a solid color, you can add the PSYCHEDELIC pattern to your paintjob also, as shown in the pictures below:

Once again, a mistake on our side for miscommunicating that part. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.