3 months
ago -
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Hello everyone, the time is here! The new update FAME SEEKERS is live! Check it out! ->

And if you have not already done so, check out the new trailer!

Let's start with the big one, quests are finally in! There are more of them and more ways to get them so listen up!
First of all, let's look at how to obtain them, there are 3 ways:

Quest boards can be found in most POIs in different locations. They work the way you would expect to, you walk up to it, interact, and see the list of quests available.

Once you accept the quest it will be removed from the board, so do be careful as it might hint someone else you've recently been there! On the quest notice itself, you will find all the details for that quest.

Quest books can be found at the traders on their counters. Each one has their own specific books so it is worth checking them all out.

Once you open the book you can go through pages and accept the quest.
And last but not least, do you guys not have phones?

When you find a phone, and a battery to go with it, you can accept quests from anywhere at any time. Just turn it on and look through!

All the accepted quests both completed and active can be found in your Journal tab in the TAB menu.

That is not the only thing back in the Journal menu, you can also see Individual trader progress and your level of completed quests.

This is important as there are 3 Tiers of quests! Each tear rises in complexity but also in the rewards you get for completing them.
Note: Unfortunately one type of quests have a critical issue so are disabled for now but will be implemented as soon as we resolve it.
So get cracking, them jobs are not gonna do themselves!
Another thing with the journal is the return of the fan favorite.
Hey you, are you a new player? You need some help with starting out. Do not worry as your totally friendly AI DEENA is back to help!

Yep, so when starting out and you need some help just follow her lovely voice and we promise nothing will go wrong!
The Manual tab also got updated with DEENA-specific tasks to help you start out and teach you the basics.

Next up we have a new way to defend your base from all sorts of dangers! Invaders beware as turrets are here!
These machine wonders can be placed in your base and improve your base security from those pesky raiders and even dropships.
We have a couple of them:

Now this is important, each of them has different ranges and angles of detection so make sure you read the descriptions before you place them. Do not say you were not warned!
Now how to turn them on? Well, they run on electricity of course so you need a generator. And after you have the generator and turn it on do not forget to turn on turrets as well.

Hey ho, hey ho the old movement must go!
We have some big changes to the movement in the game so read this carefully. We recognized, as have many of you, that the movement in SCUM felt way too arcadey and did not really represent the rest of the game. So we decided to a "few" changes .
To start off, bunnyhopping, no more. Jumping has been reworked. It now works in a similar way to melee attacks. When jumping you will now use 30 SUs which will drain your stamina,

Then after a short delay, your stamina will come back rapidly.

There are multiple changes here. To start off there are now 4 running speeds.

Pay attention to the action difficulty bar,
It also depends on more factors.
You can not sprint if your Stamina is under 80% of your total stamina. So sprinting is something you will need to think about carefully when you want to charge in. So do not expect just full blasting it across the open, cover to cover is the name of the game.
It also depends on the item you have in your hands, some will prevent you from sprinting like rifles and some will prevent you from even running. So gear distribution is a big factor as well.
Another thing we have finally managed to bring back is the movement inertia. Your character when moving at a certain speed has momentum, physics ew I know. Before you could change directions quickly with no effort whatsoever.

Now inertia takes place, making your character actually make an effort to change directions as inertia is taking him one way and he wants to go another way.
You can adjust the inertia in server settings if you want.

With all these changes the movement meta, especially in PvP, will change so adapt accordingly. No more bunny hopping, zig-zagging, and thinking you can just run around with no consequences. This is the starting phase of movement rework so please do let us know how it feels so we know what tweaks could be necessary.

Not the only change that will shake up the meta. Time to get even more realistic. To start introducing new item Armbands:

This new craftable item will help your squad identify themselves as, when equipped, you can put your squad logo on them and show everyone that swagalicious emblem. Yes, I am bringing swagalicious back, sue me.
Now this is more important than you think because there is another big change, squad nameplates will no longer be shown. PID your targets! Communication and distinguished clothing are a must now when in new squads.
For private servers, this can be adjusted, if you want to be basic.
But this also brings in new possibilities, you killed an enemy and he has an armband? Grab it and be an infiltrator, the possibilities are there.

Wooohoo, changes to the hordes. We all love em. We have done a massive pass of adjusting the hordes making sure that they feel much more immersive. This includes the distance of puppet spawning, clearing them out, and much more. Oh and the return of sleeper puppets! Yaaaay. So let us know how it feels!

We have 2 new weapons and some news on the old one!
Finally the new Belgian beauty is here. Chambered in 5.56 NATO it will be your new favorite.

MAC 10
Next up we have the American horror. The MAC 10 submachine gun, chambered in 9mm, is perfect for those close-quarters situations. Careful with the fire rate tho as it really goes brrrrrrrrrrrr.

Improvised rifle
With the new look, comes a new name as well. Since it can now chamber more types of calibers, Improvised shotgun is a name that no longer makes sense, so it is now known as an Improvised Rifle. With a new look as well!

With new weapons comes a new scope as well! The Spektral scope.

This multirole scope actually has 3 different views:

We've done the new and back with the old! The cruiser is now here, and of course with modular goodies.

Get your motor running, this badass bike is a fan favorite and we could not be happier to bring it back to you, finally.
Speaking of bikes there is a small change with them as well. Their modular level has been upgraded, which means they can now lose their engine and can be pushed on wheels as well. So it is no longer one and done with them. This includes the RIS quad bike as well.

Fear of the dark? Fear of the daaaark! Well, fear no more as there is another way to illuminate your way. Headlamps can now be found and equipped, So you can shine your way through no matter what is in your hands. You do look like a dork though.

We have some new clothing as well. Starting with more variations of the beret hat.

And some new school backpacks for all you good boys and girls.

Some new things to base building as well.
First off new BB element, the hatch door! Giving you a better roof access option.

And as you can see, overall all BB elements have a revamped look as well!

Full bugfix list will be out tomorrow, as there is so much stuff here that we are running out of character limit but here are the most important ones that you were concerned with.

[World] - subcategory "NPC"
scum.EncounterHordeShouldPlayActivationSound=0 - Determines if the horde activation sound will be played.
[World] - subcategory "NPC"
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterDamagePercentageIncreasePerSquadMember=0.000000 - Increases damage to base building elements per squad member, the value is shown in percentages.
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterTimeToFullMinNumToEnd=-1.000000 - Amount of days required for Min Num To End to return to specified value. Default (-1) is 3 (3 days).
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterMaximumMinToEndReduction=-1 - Innitial Min Num To End Reduction Value (Default is 0), takes Integer.
[Vehicles] subcategory "SPAWNING"
scum.CruiserMaxAmount=50 - Max amount of Cruisers that will exist on the server.
scum.CruiserMaxFunctionalAmount=20 -Specifies the number of functional Cruisers that can exist on a server.
scum.CruiserMinPurchasedAmount=5 - Amount of Cruisers which you can buy from traders.
scum.WeaponDecayDamageOnFiring=1.000000 - This setting adjusts the amount of damage a weapon sustains with each shot fired, increasing the wear caused by firing.
[Features] - subcategory "BASE BUILDING"
scum.WeaponRackMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of weapon racks in the flag area.
scum.WeaponRackStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of weapon racks in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.WallWeaponRackMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wall mounted weapon racks in the flag area.
scum.WallWeaponRackStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wall mounted weapon racks in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.WellMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wells in the flag area.
scum.WellStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wells in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.TurretMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of turrets in the flag area
scum.TurretStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of turrets in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.GardenMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of gardens in the flag area
[Features] - subcategory "SQUADS"
scum.EnableSquadMemberNameWidget=0 - Shows / hides squad member names.
[Features] - subcategory "QUESTS"
scum.QuestsEnabled=0 - Enables or disables quests.
scum.QuestsGlobalCycleDuration=08 : 00 : 00 - This settings determines how long the quest cycle will last, after set time the quests will be replenished and the quest limit will be set back to 0.
scum.MaxQuestsPerCyclePerTrader=3 - This setting sets the maximum amount of quests per trader that player is allowed to complete per cycle.
scum.MaxSimultaneousQuestsPerTrader=1 - This setting sets the maximum amount of quests that player can have active at the same time at 1 trader.
scum.QuestsTraderRefillCooldown=00 : 00 : 01 - This setting determines how much time will pass before new quests appear in trader's book.
scum.QuestsPhoneRefillCooldown=01 : 00 : 00 - This setting determines how much time will pass before new quests appear on the mobile phone.
scum.QuestsNoticeBoardRefillCooldown=00: 15 :00 - This setting determines how much time will pass before new quests appear on the notice board.
[Features] - subcategory "MISC"
scum.EnableDeenaOnServer=1 - This settings enables or disables DEENA.
Changes to default serversettings.ini:
You can now give server restart command access to your admins and diversify which admin has access to which command.
In AdminUsers.ini:
Steamid ---> Has access to admin commands
Steamid[SetGodMode] ---> Has access to admin commands and godmode
Steamid[SetGodMode, RestartServer] ---> Has access to admin commands, godmode and restart command
Steamid[RestartServer] ---> Has access to admin commands and restart command
The restart server command is #RestartServer pretty please

And if you have not already done so, check out the new trailer!

Let's start with the big one, quests are finally in! There are more of them and more ways to get them so listen up!
First of all, let's look at how to obtain them, there are 3 ways:
- Quest boards in POIs.
- Quest books at the traders themselves.
- Mobile phones.

Quest boards can be found in most POIs in different locations. They work the way you would expect to, you walk up to it, interact, and see the list of quests available.

Once you accept the quest it will be removed from the board, so do be careful as it might hint someone else you've recently been there! On the quest notice itself, you will find all the details for that quest.

Quest books can be found at the traders on their counters. Each one has their own specific books so it is worth checking them all out.

Once you open the book you can go through pages and accept the quest.
And last but not least, do you guys not have phones?

When you find a phone, and a battery to go with it, you can accept quests from anywhere at any time. Just turn it on and look through!

All the accepted quests both completed and active can be found in your Journal tab in the TAB menu.

That is not the only thing back in the Journal menu, you can also see Individual trader progress and your level of completed quests.

This is important as there are 3 Tiers of quests! Each tear rises in complexity but also in the rewards you get for completing them.
Note: Unfortunately one type of quests have a critical issue so are disabled for now but will be implemented as soon as we resolve it.
So get cracking, them jobs are not gonna do themselves!
Another thing with the journal is the return of the fan favorite.
Hey you, are you a new player? You need some help with starting out. Do not worry as your totally friendly AI DEENA is back to help!

Yep, so when starting out and you need some help just follow her lovely voice and we promise nothing will go wrong!
The Manual tab also got updated with DEENA-specific tasks to help you start out and teach you the basics.

Next up we have a new way to defend your base from all sorts of dangers! Invaders beware as turrets are here!
These machine wonders can be placed in your base and improve your base security from those pesky raiders and even dropships.
We have a couple of them:
- Basic
- .50 cal
- Flamethrower
- Minigun
- Rocket

Now this is important, each of them has different ranges and angles of detection so make sure you read the descriptions before you place them. Do not say you were not warned!
Now how to turn them on? Well, they run on electricity of course so you need a generator. And after you have the generator and turn it on do not forget to turn on turrets as well.

Hey ho, hey ho the old movement must go!
We have some big changes to the movement in the game so read this carefully. We recognized, as have many of you, that the movement in SCUM felt way too arcadey and did not really represent the rest of the game. So we decided to a "few" changes .
To start off, bunnyhopping, no more. Jumping has been reworked. It now works in a similar way to melee attacks. When jumping you will now use 30 SUs which will drain your stamina,

Then after a short delay, your stamina will come back rapidly.

There are multiple changes here. To start off there are now 4 running speeds.
- Walk
- Jog
- Run
- Sprint

Pay attention to the action difficulty bar,
It also depends on more factors.
You can not sprint if your Stamina is under 80% of your total stamina. So sprinting is something you will need to think about carefully when you want to charge in. So do not expect just full blasting it across the open, cover to cover is the name of the game.
It also depends on the item you have in your hands, some will prevent you from sprinting like rifles and some will prevent you from even running. So gear distribution is a big factor as well.
Another thing we have finally managed to bring back is the movement inertia. Your character when moving at a certain speed has momentum, physics ew I know. Before you could change directions quickly with no effort whatsoever.

Now inertia takes place, making your character actually make an effort to change directions as inertia is taking him one way and he wants to go another way.
You can adjust the inertia in server settings if you want.

With all these changes the movement meta, especially in PvP, will change so adapt accordingly. No more bunny hopping, zig-zagging, and thinking you can just run around with no consequences. This is the starting phase of movement rework so please do let us know how it feels so we know what tweaks could be necessary.

Not the only change that will shake up the meta. Time to get even more realistic. To start introducing new item Armbands:

This new craftable item will help your squad identify themselves as, when equipped, you can put your squad logo on them and show everyone that swagalicious emblem. Yes, I am bringing swagalicious back, sue me.
Now this is more important than you think because there is another big change, squad nameplates will no longer be shown. PID your targets! Communication and distinguished clothing are a must now when in new squads.
For private servers, this can be adjusted, if you want to be basic.
But this also brings in new possibilities, you killed an enemy and he has an armband? Grab it and be an infiltrator, the possibilities are there.

Wooohoo, changes to the hordes. We all love em. We have done a massive pass of adjusting the hordes making sure that they feel much more immersive. This includes the distance of puppet spawning, clearing them out, and much more. Oh and the return of sleeper puppets! Yaaaay. So let us know how it feels!

We have 2 new weapons and some news on the old one!
Finally the new Belgian beauty is here. Chambered in 5.56 NATO it will be your new favorite.

MAC 10
Next up we have the American horror. The MAC 10 submachine gun, chambered in 9mm, is perfect for those close-quarters situations. Careful with the fire rate tho as it really goes brrrrrrrrrrrr.

Improvised rifle
With the new look, comes a new name as well. Since it can now chamber more types of calibers, Improvised shotgun is a name that no longer makes sense, so it is now known as an Improvised Rifle. With a new look as well!

With new weapons comes a new scope as well! The Spektral scope.

This multirole scope actually has 3 different views:
- 2x zoom.
- 6x zoom.
- Ironsights.

We've done the new and back with the old! The cruiser is now here, and of course with modular goodies.

Get your motor running, this badass bike is a fan favorite and we could not be happier to bring it back to you, finally.
Speaking of bikes there is a small change with them as well. Their modular level has been upgraded, which means they can now lose their engine and can be pushed on wheels as well. So it is no longer one and done with them. This includes the RIS quad bike as well.

Fear of the dark? Fear of the daaaark! Well, fear no more as there is another way to illuminate your way. Headlamps can now be found and equipped, So you can shine your way through no matter what is in your hands. You do look like a dork though.

We have some new clothing as well. Starting with more variations of the beret hat.

And some new school backpacks for all you good boys and girls.

Some new things to base building as well.
First off new BB element, the hatch door! Giving you a better roof access option.

And as you can see, overall all BB elements have a revamped look as well!

Full bugfix list will be out tomorrow, as there is so much stuff here that we are running out of character limit but here are the most important ones that you were concerned with.
- Fixed the issue with weapon malfunctions.
- Fixed the issue where the weapon scope would sometimes disappear.

- All weapons now have adjusted iron sight ALT when equipped with a scope.
- Bedroll now spawns rolled up.

[World] - subcategory "NPC"
scum.EncounterHordeShouldPlayActivationSound=0 - Determines if the horde activation sound will be played.
[World] - subcategory "NPC"
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterDamagePercentageIncreasePerSquadMember=0.000000 - Increases damage to base building elements per squad member, the value is shown in percentages.
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterTimeToFullMinNumToEnd=-1.000000 - Amount of days required for Min Num To End to return to specified value. Default (-1) is 3 (3 days).
scum.BaseBuildingEncounterMaximumMinToEndReduction=-1 - Innitial Min Num To End Reduction Value (Default is 0), takes Integer.
[Vehicles] subcategory "SPAWNING"
scum.CruiserMaxAmount=50 - Max amount of Cruisers that will exist on the server.
scum.CruiserMaxFunctionalAmount=20 -Specifies the number of functional Cruisers that can exist on a server.
scum.CruiserMinPurchasedAmount=5 - Amount of Cruisers which you can buy from traders.
scum.WeaponDecayDamageOnFiring=1.000000 - This setting adjusts the amount of damage a weapon sustains with each shot fired, increasing the wear caused by firing.
[Features] - subcategory "BASE BUILDING"
scum.WeaponRackMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of weapon racks in the flag area.
scum.WeaponRackStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of weapon racks in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.WallWeaponRackMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wall mounted weapon racks in the flag area.
scum.WallWeaponRackStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wall mounted weapon racks in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.WellMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wells in the flag area.
scum.WellStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of wells in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.TurretMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of turrets in the flag area
scum.TurretStartDecayingIfFlagAreaHasMoreThan=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of turrets in the flag area before they start decaying at increased rate.
scum.GardenMaxAmountPerFlagArea=-1 - This setting defines the max amount of gardens in the flag area
[Features] - subcategory "SQUADS"
scum.EnableSquadMemberNameWidget=0 - Shows / hides squad member names.
[Features] - subcategory "QUESTS"
scum.QuestsEnabled=0 - Enables or disables quests.
scum.QuestsGlobalCycleDuration=08 : 00 : 00 - This settings determines how long the quest cycle will last, after set time the quests will be replenished and the quest limit will be set back to 0.
scum.MaxQuestsPerCyclePerTrader=3 - This setting sets the maximum amount of quests per trader that player is allowed to complete per cycle.
scum.MaxSimultaneousQuestsPerTrader=1 - This setting sets the maximum amount of quests that player can have active at the same time at 1 trader.
scum.QuestsTraderRefillCooldown=00 : 00 : 01 - This setting determines how much time will pass before new quests appear in trader's book.
scum.QuestsPhoneRefillCooldown=01 : 00 : 00 - This setting determines how much time will pass before new quests appear on the mobile phone.
scum.QuestsNoticeBoardRefillCooldown=00: 15 :00 - This setting determines how much time will pass before new quests appear on the notice board.
[Features] - subcategory "MISC"
scum.EnableDeenaOnServer=1 - This settings enables or disables DEENA.
Changes to default serversettings.ini:
You can now give server restart command access to your admins and diversify which admin has access to which command.
In AdminUsers.ini:
Steamid ---> Has access to admin commands
Steamid[SetGodMode] ---> Has access to admin commands and godmode
Steamid[SetGodMode, RestartServer] ---> Has access to admin commands, godmode and restart command
Steamid[RestartServer] ---> Has access to admin commands and restart command
The restart server command is #RestartServer pretty please