[2022] SCUM - Development update #26
over 2 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
over 2 years ago -
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Yes, it's Monday, yes it is time for another Development update., yes I've run out of intros to write. Check it out!
Working on modular Base building placement, snapping and rotation systems.
Finished the farming widget.
Working on flora pests and diseases.
Working on the build auto-upload system.
Resolving the issues with the test levels.
Resolving PhysX issues.
Working on the ATM UI.
Fixing up server crash issues.
Finishing up the Quick Access rework.
Resolving some of the connection lost issues.
Optimizing distant drawcalls.
Optimizing the collision boxes on houses.
Optimizing the memory of the nuclear powerplant.
Finishing up the assets for the nuclear powerplant.
Modeling the subsidiary nuclear powerplant buildings.
Finishing up ruined control room panel assets.
Finishing up the water purification building.
Texturing buildings and optimizations.
Working on new female models.
Adjusting the new female models to player animations.
Working on the low poly model for the new quad models.
Creating new concept art.
Working on the new rifle model.
Working on the new GL model.
Working on farming vegetation models.
Working on farming products models.
Finalizing new women clothing wrapping system.
Testing upcoming features
Community feedback
Catching and banning cheaters
Steam bug reports and general discussion
Working on the International program 2nd wave
Bug reporting
Fixing up descriptions on some items.
Writing up new tooltips.
Setting up new spawners.
Tweaking prices.
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