[2023] SCUM - Hotfix 0.8.502.68266
almost 2 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
almost 2 years ago -
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Another one! This one has a lot of bug fixes and really important (and heavily requested) QoL changes. Check it out!
Fixed the bug where it was possible to start cooking on stoves without energy
Fixed the bug where some servers were randomly not joinable
Fixed the bug where some cooking utensils and heat sources would disappear after some time
Fixed the bug where generators had no weight
Fixed the bug where the server settings menu would break due to too long inputs
Fixed the bug where cooking utilities could be stored in the chest and still cooked
Fixed the bug where sector and shelter respawn prices couldn't be set to 0
Fixed the bug where electric devices could not be turned on if there were multiple generators present and sharing the load
Fixed the bug where the Portable Gas stove in some cases wasn't working
Fixed the bug where the cooking timer was behaving erratically
Fixed the bug where an opponent squad would be highlighted in the squad tab instead of your own
Fixed the bug where the server settings menu would be inaccessible if you disconnected while in it
Fixed the bug where multiple building recipes could be selected at the same time
Fixed the bug where the Server Settings password pop-up wasn't centered
Fixed the bug where you could fuel fires with herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides
Fixed the bug where cooking would continue even after the resource source was destroyed
Fixed the bug where max stamina wouldn't recover when logging out in a bed/bedroll
Fixed the bug where puppet eyes weren't properly spawning
Fixed the bug where standing on a moving car would increase your CON attribute
Fixed the bug where you couldn't eat snowballs anymore
Fixed the bug where the cannabis seed bags had the wrong icon at traders
Fixed the bug where Pilot Jackets didn't give any warmth
Fixed the bug where burned food immediately looked rotten
Fixed the bug where poop would float in the air
Fixed the bug where there was wrong audio when consuming hot chocolate
Fixed the bug where component icons were stretched in the Stone Axe crafting menu
Fixed the bug where cooking utilities could not be moved after the heat source was destroyed
Fixed the bug where the game crashed when going to the main menu with a notification message visible on the screen
Fixed the bug where obsolete sausage items could be found in the trader list
Fixed the bug where Geiger SFX wasn't turned on after relogging in SP if the Geiger was turned on before relogging
Fixed the bug where cooking visuals weren't visible when cooking was finished but the player relogged
Fixed the bug where blood dripping effects would be applied to the wrong body parts during bleeding injuries
Fixed the bug where VSS Vintorez icon would appear with a gray square around it
Fixed the bug where a weapon would sometimes disappear if picked up from a chest or vehicle inventory
Fixed the bug where gas stove flame particles didn't show in singleplayer
Fixed BCU lock not being removable
Fixed BCU lock disappearing from wardrobes on server restart and not being able to lockpick when inactive BCU lock is set
Fixed multiple server crashes regarding sentries and vehicles
Fixed multiple other crashes
Generators will now consume a lot less fuel and will work for much longer on one fuel tank
Nerfed both hand and foot abrasions gain rate
When a tear gas grenade pin is pulled while in hand, the gas will now start emitting from the proper location
Tweaked loot settings for numerous items
Any meat can now be used for mixed and meat skewers
Nerfed the fame gained for escaping a shark's bite
Hazmat lockers are now locked with simpler locks
Depleted Uranium containers can now be force-unlocked
Added a Single Antibiotic Pill to the trader shop
Reduced weight of Cocoa Powder item to 200g
Wounds and Rags can now be disinfected with all strong alcoholic drinks
School Backpacks can now be cut and repaired
It is now possible to specify negative coordinates for custom map center location
Krueger and RPG weapons parts are added to the Armory trader
Closing the cooking panel no longer resets chosen recipes unless the player moves far away from the heat source item
Moving cooking utilities on heat source items no longers resets chosen recipes
Improved descriptions of some of the server settings
Cooking bar color is now consistent in all cooking time dispositions
Reinforced Door owners can now destroy the door with a sledgehammer
Removed suicides from kill logs
Sausages do not require bread as an ingredient anymore
Reduced bread cooking time to 10 min
Cheeseburgers and burgers now require only 1 use of bread
Improvised sewing kit can now be crafted by using a fishline
Portable refrigerator will now decay in 14 days if not repaired
Improved new sentry death animation
Sentry damage particles intensity will increase as the sentry is getting lower in health
Visually improved the in-game server password prompt
Animal corpses should now be more visible in regard to different angles and distances
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