about 2 years ago - Beda - Direct link
Another day another hotfix. We ain't stopping with it.

  • Fixed the bug where players in combat mode with arrows in quiver would not automatically use arrows from the quiver as priority.
  • Fixed the issue where it was possible to disinfect rags with any liquid inside of absinthe bottle.
  • Fixed the bug where portable work light would bug out in players hand when turned on/off.
  • Fixed the bug where player was unable to drop gardening hoe by drag and drop.
  • Fixed the issue where where it was possible to interact with vehicle door and corresponding seat at the same time.
  • Fixed the bug where garden blueprint would disappear after server restart.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not repair boats.
  • Fixed the issue where you could still do damage to car parts even though vehicle damage is turned off in admin settings.
  • Fixed the issue where you can fill fuel in a chainsaw past the reservoir limit.
  • Fixed the bug where some objects could stay floating in air after BB element under was destroyed.
  • Fixed the bug where cars could clip through the floor when lifted on car jack.
  • Fixed the issue where some item prices would calculate wrong.
  • Fixed the bug where some emotes had wrong icons.
  • Fixed the bug where item weight would sometime show wrong measurement unit.
  • Fixed the bug where some clothing items did not have a wetness indicator.
  • Fixed the issue where vehicles would spawn with driving wheels on the wrong side and inverted textures.
  • Fixed the bug where flare sounds would count as player made sound.
  • Fixed the bug where items in holsters would get deleted if player was in event on server restart.
  • Fixed the issue where sometimes you could not gain Running XP if your Running level was on No skill.
  • Fixed the issue where destroyed vehicles would not be renewed after server restarts.
  • Fixed the bug where player would be stuck with item drag action if he entered photo mode.
  • Potential fix for client crash when destroying BB elements.
  • Fixed the issue where you could operate destroyed vehicles.
  • Fixed the bug where operating the boat via engine would give you ATR gains as if you were rowing.
  • Fixed the bug where you would get decontaminate interactions on vehicle inventories.
  • Fixed the bug where vehicle inventory container could get radiation.
  • Fixed the bug where you would have a blurred garden edges when spawning near gardens.
  • Fixed the issue where you could still lockpick vehicles when the vehicle was parked in a no lockpick area ex. outposts.
  • Fixed the bug where you could install tires without a car jack.

  • ATMs can only be used one person at a time now.
  • Amount of Fame points that player will receive when selling an item now depends on amount of items in stack and amount of remaining uses of that item.
  • Vehicles spawned via admin commands can now be spawned at specific location.
  • Admin drones can now destroy gardens.
  • Plants now have different growth time, optimal temperatures and pests/diseases according to their plant species.
  • You can no longer sprint while wearing a hazmat suit.
  • Added ATM mouse sensitivity setting.
  • Parachute no longer opens automatically after falling to death and attempting to open parachute without parachute equipped.
  • You can now remove locks freely if the car doors are open.
  • Analog Geiger counter scale now twitches accordingly to the sound it makes.
  • Disabled the ability to interact with items in chest when using emotes.

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