Hey hey people it's Monday and it's time for another Dev up... no wait it's patch day! Check out new stuff we have for you on the island!

Let's start with the loudest one. We have another plane ready to zoom across the sky and scout the seas. The new Seaplane is now available!

With the capability of landing and taking off from both sea and land, this is a perfect aircraft for those who desire to claim one of the uninhabited islands but still like to move around the map, or Indiana Jones roleplayers.

We have a new BB element for you as well. So you did it, you finally got your plane out of that airfield, avoiding mechs, zombies and sacrificing materials. Now what? Land it anywhere so someone else can just take it, he who sacrificed nothing, he who did not learn mech patterns and he who did not commit hours of getting it out of there? Nay we say, nay to the thieves and their thieving hands, why should they get your prize without putting in any work. With this new BB element you can now create a big door, a hangar door if you would, so you can secure your plane, lock it, keep it secret, keep it safe. Or you can just build an empty one so people waste their lockpicks, you know up to you.

And ofcourse we have multiple levels of these doors.

We have a new trader for you all. The bartender can now serve all your liquid and food desires. Located in now open saloons, feel free to sit down have a drink, grab some chow and relax a bit.

Most of the food and drink items have been transferred from the general goods store to the bartender, but that is not all she will have to offer, but that comes later.

Now for a feature that builds on an old one. WE promised more metabolism depth and here we go. You can now get a new condition: Trench foot. Contrary to the name you don't get it from being in a trench but by constantly keeping your feet wet.
There are different stages to it and ways to treat it. If you keep your footwear and feet wet constantly without drying them out, you will progress through 3 different stages.

-In stage 1 your character will start feeling pain signaling that Trench foot is forming.

-In stage 2 your character will not only have pain but blurred vision as well and your health will slowly start dropping.

-In stage 3 Trench foot has completely developed. Your character is experiencing extreme pain and will start limping. Health will start dropping more rapidly and if untreated will die.
The way to treat trench foot is easy. Get your feet somewhere warm and dry. Then wait till the wound goes into recovery.
Now here is the kicker that you need to be aware of:
Terrain wetness is now determined by the terrain itself as well. that means areas like snow and swamps will get you wet. So make sure you have proper shoes for proper terrain.

- Fixed the bug where you could refuel vehicles while moving.
- Fixed the wrong candle inventory size.
- Fixed the bug where player would get kicked if taking something from surrendering player.
- Fixed the bug where killbox gas did not deal damage.
- Fixed the bug where food eaten in small chunks would digest faster than eating it in one sitting.
- Fixed the bug where white rectangular icons would appear on sold items list.
- Fixed the issue where prisoner body would vanish too soon.
- Fixed the bug where prisoner sometimes could get stuck when repairing items.
- Fixed the bug where player would respawn with wet items on.
- Fixed the bug where firearm weapon decay visuals would not update in Single player.
- Fixed the bug where you could light a candle in your backpack.
- Fixed the bug where player could move around while picking up a sandbag.
- Fixed the bug where photo mode would turn off motion blur permanently.
- Fixed the bug where unequipping fishing items would make them disappear.
- Fixed the bug where fishes were not draggable on the floor.
- Fixed the bug where photo mode would return player to third person on FP only servers.
- Fixed the bug where photo mode would reset your velocity mid air.
- Fixed the bug where underwear would stay dry when urinating in them.
- Fixed the bug where locks would disappear when trying to remove them from planes

- Airplane repair kit, pilot hat and jacket and BayRiffer Block are now available at traders.
- Nerfed gunpowder requirement for crafting explosive bolts.
- Added information on mushrooms tooltips.
- Added new icons for explosive bolts.
- Reduced weight of improvised tire kit.
- Economy logging now properly displays sold vehicles price.
- Digestion item tooltips now shows water intake and alcohol content.
- After liquor has been drank, digestion item inside the metabolism panel will show Liquor instead of Alcohol.
- After beer has been drank, digestion item inside the metabolism panel will show Beer instead of Alcohol.
- Macronutrient tooltips now show actual usage of macronutrients per hour instead of required amounts per hour.
- Players will no longer get fame points from achievements.
- Adjusted vicinity panel scrollbar width while trading.
- Tweaked item prices.
- Reduced the influence of sand and snow to footwear damage and foot abrasions.
- Players can now be silenced on different channels.
- DLSS now has 5 different profiles: ultra performance, balanced, quality and ultra quality.
- Different footwear now have different water propagation values.
- Scout and Duster planes now have alternators.
- You can no longer buy poisonous mushrooms.
- Another round of network optimizations.
- Improved the damage model on airplanes.
- Added the ability to revive players with Phoenix tears.