about 3 years
ago -
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Hello everyone another Monday is here. Check out this weeks Development update.

That's all from us for now folks, talk to ya'll soon. Real soon.

- Optimizing traders.
- Resolving issues with the motion blur when free falling.
- Debugging issues with the fog.
- Finishing up the support for the new motorcycle.
- Last touchups with the new vehicle network system.
- Further work on trader UI.
- Finishing the airplane system.
- Adapting gameplay changes after internal playday feedback.
- Bugfixing the trader UI.
- Finishing some of the redesign choices for the UI.
- Fixing some of the parachute issues.
- Modifying custom and default zones for the outposts.
- Fixing the replication issues when firing from airplanes.
- Working on a fix with respawn desync.
- Working on an improved trader streaming system.
- Fixing the sound playing system on the traders.
- Fixing the issues with the killbox.
- Bugfixing.

- Placing down the remaining traders.
- Fixing the water shaders.
- Further work on the wall and floors retexturing.
- Further work on trader icons.
- Retexturing houses.
- Further work on furniture retexturing.
- Further work on the stone houses.
- Further work on continental houses.
- Further work on the ruined buildings.
- Reworking the churches.
- Bugfixing.

- Finished the vendors clothing.
- Cleaning up the metahumans.
- Working on the facial animations of metahumans.
- Created the low poly chassis of the new car.
- Creating new concept art.
- Reworking improvised axes.
- Created the new weapon stand.
- Working on the new plane model.
- Finished the female tracksuit.
- Working on the jersey jacket.
- Resolved the issue with parachute morphing on female character model.
- Finished the new backpack.
- Working on the new parachute backpack model.

- Implemented the voice lines for most traders.
- Placed the outpost ambient sounds.

- Catching and banning cheaters.
- Reporting feedback from the community.
- Reporting the bugs.
- Reporting the 0.7 build bugs and issues.
- Working on 2 mystery events.
- Testing the ingame economy.

- Adjusting the prices in regards of the feedback from testing.
- Adjusting the trader mechanics in regards of the feedback from testing.

That's all from us for now folks, talk to ya'll soon. Real soon.