over 2 years
ago -
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And we are back with the regular Monday program. Check out what the team has been up to last week.
Also a PSA:
There is a bug where you can equip the hunter suppressor on the AWM and AWP sniper rifles, and the AK15 suppressor on the VHS rifles. This will be fixed in the next update, so please remove those from your weapons or they will be lost in the next update.

Also a PSA:
There is a bug where you can equip the hunter suppressor on the AWM and AWP sniper rifles, and the AK15 suppressor on the VHS rifles. This will be fixed in the next update, so please remove those from your weapons or they will be lost in the next update.

- Working on a vehicle falling trough fix.
- Resolving issues with the master server.
- Implementing the Grenade launcher features.
- Setting up the new weapons.
- Further work on modular vehicles.
- Preparations for new UI elements.
- Transferred the devkit to 4.27 version of Unreal Engine.
- Researching implementation of FSR.
- Testing and optimizing the new physics system.
- Working on prisoner appearance rework.
- Fixing the admin drone issues.
- Resolving logout issues.
- Finishing up mushroom intoxication system.
- Bugfixing.

- Testing new outpost optimizations.
- Setting up occluders in Samobor city.
- Placing down ATM machines.
- Creation of ruined concrete elements.
- Working on the nuclear powerplant POI.
- Adjusting the new Hospital POI.
- Created 3 types of wagon containers.
- Finished up the new stadium.
- Level bugfixing.

- Finished the weapons animations for the Weapons update.
- Working on new female character assets.
- Designing new 2D assets.
- Finished base modular quad model.
- Finished the military quad model variant.
- Working on the civilian quad model variant.
- Setting up the AWM and AWP rifles.
- Working on the new 1911 rail.
- Started working on a new rifle.
- Working on new weapon attachments.
- Bugfixing.
- Working on new clothing items.

- Catching and banning cheaters.
- Reporting feedback from the community.
- Reporting the bugs.
- Preparations for the Weapons update event.
- Testing the new weapons.

- Setting prices to new items.
- Setting up new crafted item recipe.
- Working on the trader rebalance document.