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Hello everyone, bet you didn't expect this so soon huh? Well it is here 0.6 has arrived! Introducing the long awaited metabolism rework, bikes and much more. So get ready, set, empty your bowels before the road and go, right into 0.6
PSA: There is a lot of information here, in fact so much information we had to put some of it in picture mode since Steam can't handle us. There will also be Bugfixes and QoL missing on this post but will be listed on the next update!

Finally it is here! Metabolism has been worked on and improved by a large margin. This was an incredible undertaking and it is still not over! It is a lot to take in so read very carefully to make sure you have your character as much optimized as possible out there.
Keep in mind. this is the first iteration of metabolism implemented and more will come upcoming updates.
Also keep in mind, we tried our best to keep the things as they were but the new metabolism is such a change that a mandatory wipe will be conducted.
Where to even start? Well lets start with the stats, now called Core Attributes.
Core attributes work similar like they did before but we went in much more detail:




Alright so these are the Core attributes but what do they connect to each? Well the skills of your character. These are all familiar things but let's revise them because it will be quite important for what is to come:

Alright there it is, hope you are all caught up. Now let's get to the new stuff.
Metabolism rework
There are a lot of changes and new stuff so the best way is to explain it step by step. And they say a picture is worth a thousand word so let's get through it with the new UI!

There it is, in all it's glory! As you can se we cleaned it up nicely and it is much more pleasant for the eyes. Some new info some old but don't worry, we will go through it all step by step.

Core attributes/skills tab

Basic info

Performance data.

AD bar showed on the red arrow.
And last in the Performance data stats we have the performance indicators:
Body stats

Here you will find all the details needed to balance your character:

Here you will see the nutritional values you characters body is currently digesting/processing:
Medical rework
Alright here it is the moment you've been also asking for. We have the medical system completely overhauled in much greater detail. From symptoms, bleeding to treating wounds there is a lot to cover here. So we are going to explain it again step by step through the UI.

In this picture we have perfect examples of what you will encounter with the new medical system. From the top again!


Body status

The list on the body can show either symptoms or conditions. Conditions are the all the nasty things that are affecting your body and are treatable, mostly. Symptoms are the consequence of the conditions that still have effect on your body, and can only be treated through their condition.
If you are wondering which are which here is the list.

Treating tab
Alright time for some hot octane action!

HELL YEA BABY MOTORBYKES ARE FINALLY IN! time to buzz around left and right and be fast meanace to the island! We got bikes, we got jumps, we got the gear, what more could you ask for!? Well I'm sure you will think of something. Well here they are.

There are 2 bikes in the game currently. The dirtbike and the Hellrider bike. You can find both on the island. Motorbikes, just as the rest of the wheeled motor vehicles, require both fuel and battery to run. Even though they are fast, agile and adjusted for off road, there is a tradeoff. As you might imagine the bikes are highly suspected to weapon damage and the engine block can be disabled quite easily, so if you plan to raid with them be fast and don't get hit. There is no space for inventory for the motorbikes so make those supply runs light.
To operate the Motorbike there is another skill added the Motorcycles skill, works similar to the Driving skill except for the motorbikes, yeah it's that simple.

But what are bikes without biker gear? Nothing! you must let everyone know you ride otherwise it does not count!

Well immediately on the topic of motorcycles and Hell riders, yes we have added the trailer variant of the pick up as well.

Another highly requested feature! We are on the roll here! That is right time to roll around with a big iron on your hip. Not one but 4!, that is right 4 revolvers have dropped! 2 of them even have brand new ammo created for them: the .44 magnum and the .38 special. So go get that Texas red!

As for malfunctions, where the revolvers are the old reliable. One possible malfunction is bad round but when that occurs the revolver will just keep spinning to the next bullet. See it's not a bug it's a feature!

Alright, time for the big one that changes nothing yet everything. We have completely revamped the way damage is taken and being dealt in the game. Most of it is in the backend and you won't really notice it since we spent a lot of time tweaking it so it remains the same. Yet some thing are changed and there are more types of damage right now. We already covered those in the medical.
Now you might encounter a weird thing here and there that fell out of place, so make sure you leave feedback so we can adjust the best way possible.
You might also be wondering why do it at all then?
Well it allows us a much greater control over damage and future medical consequences of weapons. One of the examples we have finally made for armors the possibility to absorb melee damage. You will see a lot more soon!
Alright now let's get for all the extras of the patch!

Motorbike track
Ah yes we have bikes, but can we race them? Already ahead of you people. You can find the new track in the Z3 sector! We have been racing around it all time and it's amazing fun. So grab some friends, grab some bikes and go have fun. We may or may not recommend to allow the usage of weapons during races.

New High loot POI settled on the border of Z1 and Z2. Sneak around the forgotten trains of old while avoiding mechs to get that sweet sweet loot.

Novo Selo
New town isolated on the Z4 island. Peaceful seaside village where you can get away from it all. Novo Selo is a prime vacation location.

I still have some characters left, f
PSA: There is a lot of information here, in fact so much information we had to put some of it in picture mode since Steam can't handle us. There will also be Bugfixes and QoL missing on this post but will be listed on the next update!

Finally it is here! Metabolism has been worked on and improved by a large margin. This was an incredible undertaking and it is still not over! It is a lot to take in so read very carefully to make sure you have your character as much optimized as possible out there.
Keep in mind. this is the first iteration of metabolism implemented and more will come upcoming updates.
Also keep in mind, we tried our best to keep the things as they were but the new metabolism is such a change that a mandatory wipe will be conducted.
Where to even start? Well lets start with the stats, now called Core Attributes.
Core attributes work similar like they did before but we went in much more detail:

- Strength is the physical power of a person, typically measured by how much you can push, pull or lift a physical object.
Is raised by: proper protein intake, executing actions under a load
Is lowered by: protein deficiency, loss of muscle mass
It influences: carry weight, melee damage, calorie burning
Ranges from 1 to 8

- Constitution or body type defines everything connected with physical endurance and stamina.
Is raised by: moving in general, walking, running, swimming, etc.
Is lowered by: not moving, staying still for longer periods of time
It influences: health points, stamina, damage and status (shock, poison, etc.) resistances, immune system, calorie and water consumption efficiency
Ranges from 1 to 5

- Dexterity determines how skillful you are in performing everyday and/or complicated actions.
Is raised by: calorie deficiency (losing weight)
Is lowered by: calorie sufficiency (gaining weight)
It influences: movement speed and action speed including crafting, eating, reloading
Ranges from 1 to 5

- Intelligence is the capability of perception and successfully performing tasks.
Currently, it can not be raised nor lowered.
It influences: squad size limit (if you are the leader)
Ranges from 1 to 5
Alright so these are the Core attributes but what do they connect to each? Well the skills of your character. These are all familiar things but let's revise them because it will be quite important for what is to come:

Alright there it is, hope you are all caught up. Now let's get to the new stuff.
Metabolism rework
There are a lot of changes and new stuff so the best way is to explain it step by step. And they say a picture is worth a thousand word so let's get through it with the new UI!

There it is, in all it's glory! As you can se we cleaned it up nicely and it is much more pleasant for the eyes. Some new info some old but don't worry, we will go through it all step by step.

Core attributes/skills tab
- The upper section shows your Core attributes levels and progress.
- The lower part are your skill levels and progress. Do keep in mind that there is still a cap on your skills depending on the appropriate Core attribute. The Pie shows your skill level from No Skill, Basic, Medium to Advance and Above Advanced.

Basic info
- Here you will find the basic info for your character, from Age, Lifetime aka How much time passed since last respawn. Weight of your character without any gear on, your current health, number of your teeth and your blood type. There is also your blood volume and body temperature but more on that later.

Performance data.
- Ok so here is where things get more complicated so read carefully. This table is what you want to keep your eye on. So let's get through it.
- First up we have the Stamina bar and the Stamina Units or in short SU.
Stamina Units determine how much actions you can do before you get fatigued.
Max stamina is directly influenced by the CON attribute, the higher your CON, the more stamina you can have.
Stamina consumption and recovery are influenced by Action Difficulty (rates shown below).
Action Difficulty is a literal representation of how difficult it is to perform a certain action and it can be seen in the HUD around the stamina circle bar.

AD bar showed on the red arrow.
- Alright now the AD depends on multiple factors. Main thing would be how much gear you have on you. The more you carry on you the more difficult it is to perform actions. Factors that also influence it are: Movement speed, moving uphill or downhill, difficulty of operating not motorized vehicle, difficulty of action performed (ex. drawing a bow). The more STR your character has the less do all these factors influence the AD parameter.
- Right so we have explained the AD and what influences it, so there you have the AD table and how does it apply to it. You can consider the contents of the table as a sort of levels. The table shows the SU consumption or gain through different actions. So if you rest or sit you will gain SUs but in full sprint you will rapidly loose them. Now the AD comes into place. Lets say you are standing around with no gear, that would count as a PASSIVE action. But if you have let's say 20 kg of gear on you it would increase AD and it would fall under effortless or tiring action depending on your character STR.
- How much gear your character can carry without overloading itself is presented in the Gear Weight bar. Max gear is also influenced by the STR attribute. If you overload your character you will visually see it by the character being hunched over and also by having increased energy and water consumption.
- Jog Speed
Jog speed shows how fast you can jog. It is directly influenced by the performance score and it can also be increased or decreased with raising or lowering the Running skill.
- Run Speed
Run speed shows how fast you can run. It is directly influenced by the performance score and it can also be increased or decreased with raising or lowering the Running skill.
- Energy
If you are overloaded, your character requires more Energy than it usually would. Energy penalty represents how much more Energy will your character spend in kilocalories per hour.
- Water
If you are overloaded, your character requires more Water than usual. Water penalty represents how much more Water your character will spend in kilocalories per hour.
And last in the Performance data stats we have the performance indicators:
- Healing Speed
Healing speed shows how fast is your body capable of stabilizing various conditions and injuries. It directly depends on the CON attribute and AD.
- Blood Recovery Rate
Blood Recovery Rate shows how fast you will recover blood compared to your normal Blood Recovery Rate. If you lose blood faster than you can recover it, you will potentially bleed out and die. WIP
- Immune System
Immune system determines how fast you will recover from various diseases and how likely you are to get a disease in the first place. WIP
- Performance Score
Performance score is a unit for action execution speed. It influences how fast you can run, walk, paddle, chop, etc. Performance score depends on three things: muscle mass, body fat and prisoner’s weight load. The percentage is scaled for your current character and your max performance score value can be decreased or increased by altering the three things mentioned above.
- Stealth Factor
Stealth factor shows your ability to remain hidden and unheard. If the Stealth Factor indicator falls, your ability to stay unnoticed falls. WIP
- Melee Damage
Melee damage indicator shows how much melee damage you will do compared to the maximal damage you can do. For example, if you get a penalty on the STR attribute because you have the “Weakness” condition, the Melee Damage indicator will fall. When you treat the “Weakness” condition, it will return back to normal.
Body stats

Here you will find all the details needed to balance your character:
- Protein
Indication of how fast do Proteins get absorbed in your body. Can be influenced by various conditions, injuries and illnesses.
- Carbs
Indication of how fast do Carbs get absorbed in your body. Can be influenced by various conditions, injuries and illnesses.
- Fat
Indication of how fast do Fats get absorbed in your body. Can be influenced by various conditions, injuries and illnesses.
- Minerals
Indication of how fast do Minerals get absorbed in your body. Can be influenced by various conditions, injuries and illnesses.
- Vitamins
Indication of how fast do Vitamins get absorbed in your body. Can be influenced by various conditions, injuries and illnesses.
- Water
Indication of how fast Water gets absorbed in your body. Can be influenced by various conditions, injuries and illnesses.
- Alcohol
Indication of how fast Alcohol gets absorbed in your body. Can be influenced by various conditions, injuries and illnesses.
- Bones
Indication of how many kilograms of Bones are there in your body at this particular moment.
- Blood
Indication of how many kilograms of Blood is there in your body at this particular moment. Blood can be lost by bleeding out and it can also be recovered.
- Intestines
Indication of how many kilograms of Intestines is there in your body at this particular moment.
- Skin
Indication of how many kilograms of Skin is there on your body at this particular moment.
- Organs
Indication of how many kilograms of Organs is there in your body at this particular moment.
- Fat
Indication of how many kilograms of Fat is there in your body at this particular moment.
Fat in your body can be increased or decreased depending on the diet and difficulty of the physical actions you do. If the body fat reserves fall below a critical level, consequences even include death.
- Muscle
Indication of how many kilograms of Muscles is there in your body at this particular moment. Muscles can be increased and decreased depending on the diet and difficulty of the physical actions you do.

Here you will see the nutritional values you characters body is currently digesting/processing:
- Energy
Indicator of how much Energy reserve you currently have.
You fill the Energy reserve by intaking more calories than you’re burning. Resting helps, as calorie burn is quite low when not doing difficult actions.
It is affected by the CON attribute, the higher it is, the more calories your body needs.
Energy reserve can go above 100%, but in that case it starts depleting faster to get rid of the excess energy and the intestines get filled a lot quicker.
If the Energy reserve drops to 0%, you develop the “Energy deficiency” condition.
- Water
Indicator of how much Water reserve you currently have.
You fill the Water reserve by intaking more water than you’re using. Resting helps, as water usage is quite low when not doing difficult actions.
It is affected by the CON attribute, the higher it is, the more water your body needs.
Water reserve can go above 100%, but in that case it starts depleting faster to get rid of the excess water and the bladder gets filled a lot quicker.
If the Water reserve drops to 0%, you develop the “Water deficiency” condition.
- Macronutrients reservs
Shows the reserves of macronutrients your character has consumed and their level compared to the optimal amount.
- Muscle
Currently it’s the same tooltip as in the body stats panel.
- Fat
Currently it’s the same tooltip as in the body stats panel.
- Vitamins
Shows the reserves of vitamins your character has consumed and their level compared to the optimal amount.
- Minerals
Shows the reserves of minerals your character has consumed and their level compared to the optimal amount.
- Digestion
Shows how full your digestion organs are. When you consume food or drinks the contents need to pass through your body. So you will have to keep an eye out you don't overeat at once, or burst your intestine. Overexerting these gauges have consequences such as puking or diarrhea.
Medical rework
Alright here it is the moment you've been also asking for. We have the medical system completely overhauled in much greater detail. From symptoms, bleeding to treating wounds there is a lot to cover here. So we are going to explain it again step by step through the UI.

In this picture we have perfect examples of what you will encounter with the new medical system. From the top again!

- Here you will see the basic info of your characters health performance. From hearth rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels to breathing rate and your body temperature.

Body status
- In this interactive tab you will see entire body x-ray with displayed injuries and symptoms. It also has 2 gauges showing your health and blood level. You can even click around different body parts to isolate which injury you whish to focus on. After you select the body part or the injury you can go to the treat tab.

The list on the body can show either symptoms or conditions. Conditions are the all the nasty things that are affecting your body and are treatable, mostly. Symptoms are the consequence of the conditions that still have effect on your body, and can only be treated through their condition.
If you are wondering which are which here is the list.

Treating tab
- When you select the injury you will find the treating tab/bar. With it on the center of the screen you will have the option of choosing the items you want to use to treat form either inventory or vicinity. The bar itself shows you all the info about the treatment. The red bar is filling up and it shows the progress of bleeding. Depending on the injury it can fill slower or faster, after the bar is filled the wound will go from untreated to stabilization and after it is stabilized it will go to recovery.
You can patch the wound up to send it immediately to stabilization by treating it. When you patch a wound you will fill up the white outline of the bar. Once the line is full the wound is considered stabilized. So the more the severe the wound the more materials you need to stabilize it.
Be careful tho, if you have a wound that is still in stabilization mode and you keep doing difficult actions with your character like jumping or sprinting around, you can open your wound again and will need to be patched up again.
Alright time for some hot octane action!

HELL YEA BABY MOTORBYKES ARE FINALLY IN! time to buzz around left and right and be fast meanace to the island! We got bikes, we got jumps, we got the gear, what more could you ask for!? Well I'm sure you will think of something. Well here they are.

There are 2 bikes in the game currently. The dirtbike and the Hellrider bike. You can find both on the island. Motorbikes, just as the rest of the wheeled motor vehicles, require both fuel and battery to run. Even though they are fast, agile and adjusted for off road, there is a tradeoff. As you might imagine the bikes are highly suspected to weapon damage and the engine block can be disabled quite easily, so if you plan to raid with them be fast and don't get hit. There is no space for inventory for the motorbikes so make those supply runs light.
To operate the Motorbike there is another skill added the Motorcycles skill, works similar to the Driving skill except for the motorbikes, yeah it's that simple.

But what are bikes without biker gear? Nothing! you must let everyone know you ride otherwise it does not count!

Well immediately on the topic of motorcycles and Hell riders, yes we have added the trailer variant of the pick up as well.

Another highly requested feature! We are on the roll here! That is right time to roll around with a big iron on your hip. Not one but 4!, that is right 4 revolvers have dropped! 2 of them even have brand new ammo created for them: the .44 magnum and the .38 special. So go get that Texas red!

As for malfunctions, where the revolvers are the old reliable. One possible malfunction is bad round but when that occurs the revolver will just keep spinning to the next bullet. See it's not a bug it's a feature!

Alright, time for the big one that changes nothing yet everything. We have completely revamped the way damage is taken and being dealt in the game. Most of it is in the backend and you won't really notice it since we spent a lot of time tweaking it so it remains the same. Yet some thing are changed and there are more types of damage right now. We already covered those in the medical.
Now you might encounter a weird thing here and there that fell out of place, so make sure you leave feedback so we can adjust the best way possible.
You might also be wondering why do it at all then?
Well it allows us a much greater control over damage and future medical consequences of weapons. One of the examples we have finally made for armors the possibility to absorb melee damage. You will see a lot more soon!
Alright now let's get for all the extras of the patch!

Motorbike track
Ah yes we have bikes, but can we race them? Already ahead of you people. You can find the new track in the Z3 sector! We have been racing around it all time and it's amazing fun. So grab some friends, grab some bikes and go have fun. We may or may not recommend to allow the usage of weapons during races.

New High loot POI settled on the border of Z1 and Z2. Sneak around the forgotten trains of old while avoiding mechs to get that sweet sweet loot.

Novo Selo
New town isolated on the Z4 island. Peaceful seaside village where you can get away from it all. Novo Selo is a prime vacation location.

I still have some characters left, f