[2022] SCUM - Development update #36
over 2 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
over 2 years ago -
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it is Monday gamers, things are really heating up in here. Check out what the team has been up to on this weeks development update.
Working on the radiation system.
Implementing the farming skill.
Expanding the farming database.
Working on plant interactions.
Working on the Nuclear powerplant POI performance.
Working on the eye pressure visuals.
Resolving shader issues.
Working on the mechanic interactions.
Working on the ATM system.
Resolving rebasing issues with garden placement.
Resolving issues with networking and vehicle damage systems.
Implementing 3D audio support.
Finished the vehicle spawning manager.
Working on the vehicle physics system.
Bugfixing navmesh and tile watering system.
Finished radiation presence system.
Finishing the Geiger counter functionality.
Working on a network compression plugin.
Implemented new batch of modular BB elements.
Resolving issues with the modular BB system.
Working on new trailer background scenery.
Working on Nuclear powerplant POI ambience effects.
Working on new item spawners.
Working on distant LODs for the Nuclear powerplant POI.
Optimizing the Nuclear powerplant UE blueprints.
Cleaning up modular BB models.
Finishing the modular BB element shaders.
Finished the master materials for the BB elements.
Working on the Uranium container mesh models.
Finished atlas bake for Reactor building.
Tweaking the lighting of the new POI.
Tweaking the render distant.
Working on Gardening produce models.
Working on foliage variety around the Nuclear powerplant.
Working on new male character models.
Changes in the ATM UI.
Working on new concept art.
Working on skeletal mesh of the Geiger counter.
Working on new improvised ammo model.
Making adjustments to modular vehicles.
Texturing the Geiger counter.
Working on the new trailer.
Finishing the vintage hazmat suit.
Finishing the modern hazmat suit.
Working on the 3D audio implementation.
Adding farming audio.
Tweaking ambience audio for the Nuclear powerplant POI.
Hunting and banning cheaters.
Ban appeals.
Steam general discussion and bug reports.
Performance benchmarking and optimization testing.
Testing of upcoming features.
Various bug reports.
Tweaking and balancing new features related items.
Working on new blueprint recipes.
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