over 3 years
ago -
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Hello everyone, happy Tuesday! We have hotfix for you with an important update. Check it out!

- Here it is folks! We have heard your feedback and got to work to address a concern that has been troubling us. We started with the first wave of new anti-cheat methods and reprimands. We cannot exactly say what that entails for obvious reasons but you should be having a much better experience.
Remember the more feedback and reports you provide us the better experience we can provide you, so keep them rolling

- Fixed the bug where items in inventory would sometimes overlap.
- Fixed the bug where camo jacket would stay floating when dropped.
- Fixed the bug where sewing kits would still disappear even if the repair action was cancelled.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to do shenanigans with burying items.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to build BB elements on top of cargo drops.
- Fixed the bug where it was possible to reignite flares indefinitely.
- Fixed the bug where igniting flares would sometimes cause a crash.
- Fixed the bug where entering photo mod with weapon in hand would bug out your character.
- Fixed the bug where blueprint would recognize items with 0 uses.
- Fixed the bug where you could not jump through windows that recently had fortifications on them.
- Fixed the bug where some items would not get destroyed when reaching 0 usages.
- Fixed the bug where it was not possible to bury items on steeper slopes.
- Fixed the bug where player could move for a while before the cutting interaction.

- M16A4 folding sights are now repairable with toolbox
- Bonfires and fireplaces can now be crafted with both dirt and clean rags.
- Reduced the range of where you can start defusing suicide puppets.
- Players can now damage signs with melee weapons.
- Hatchets are now repairable with grinding stones.

- Logs will now show traps when activated not every time they deal damage.