almost 5 years
ago -
Direct link
From now on, this will be the place to update you about the current patch issues and their possible solutions. We are only going to cover the biggest and confirmed problems.
Current game breaking issues:
For other, smaller issues, please do the following steps:
Cheater reports
If you are still experiencing issues, feel free to report a bug in a corresponding sub-forum. Make sure you follow the correct reporting steps (check the pinned post) or a response to your problem might be delayed.
Current game breaking issues:
- 10/30/2020 - If your game is crashing while using DX12, make sure you have the latest GPU drivers and make a config reset. If the problem persists, please write about it on our technical support with additional info such as what GPU and driver you have. Thank you!
For other, smaller issues, please do the following steps:
Verify game files after downloading updates to ensure no broken files.
3rd Party troubleshooting SCUM guide.
EAC troubleshooting guide.
EAC Reccomended - Virus And Rootkit Removal
EAC Antivirus compatibility Guide
Cheater reports
- Follow the link below to report a potential cheater. Try to answer all the questions and provide us with a video proof, if possible. This helps us with filtering out all the fake reports we receive. Fake reports accumulate and might result with a temporary ban, so do not misuse provided tools.
Link to the cheater report form.[]
If you are still experiencing issues, feel free to report a bug in a corresponding sub-forum. Make sure you follow the correct reporting steps (check the pinned post) or a response to your problem might be delayed.