over 4 years
ago -
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In case you found a bug, please follow the steps depending on its type. However, be sure the problem is not on your end.
Before reporting, please do the following steps:
Level design bugs:
Reporting other bugs:
Before reporting, please do the following steps:
Verify game files after downloading updates to ensure no broken files.
3rd Party troubleshooting SCUM guide.
EAC troubleshooting guide.
EAC Reccomended - Virus And Rootkit Removal
EAC Antivirus compatibility Guide
Level design bugs:
Have you found a bug related to the level design? Anything from floating vegetations, holes in the terrain, or being unable to climb ladders - please report those in the following way:
Walk up to the affected area, closer the better.
Press CTRL + C
Open notepad or create a bug thread and press CTRL + V to paste your current location.
For example:
Able to climb ladder from opposite side of the wall at bootcamp... http://prntscr.com/ne7xk9 location: {X=239319.344 Y=-42170.848 Z=25081.572|P=59.553474 Y=328.709351 R=0.000000}
- Reporting level design bugs in this way saves us a lot of time, so we don't have to walk for hours around the level to find an exact location of the problem. Thanks in advance!
Reporting other bugs:
A bug needs to be reproducable multiple times in order for us to fix it. You can help us by submitting the following information:
- Example of exact reproduction steps:
1) Place and fill barbed spike traps
2) Bury them
3) Restart the server
4) After the server restarted, the traps will be unburied.
A video of the bug if you have it, as well as any relevant screenshots!
- If the bug relates to a location, please copy and paste the location (as shown in the "Level design bugs" section).
- Try the bug out on different official servers, and in singleplayer as well.
Important! Please include the DxDiag report file. To get the file, press the Win key on your keyboard, type "DxDiag" and then "Save All Information".
- Please post a new thread with on the bug reports forum.