Hot summer means hot hotfix. Yeah I know that joke is bad just read the notes.

- Fixed the bug where custom zone settings menu showed double options.
- Fixed the bug where you could not holster item on slot 1 when you already had an item holstered on slot 2.
- Potential fix for trader available funds sometimes showing incorrectly.
- Fixed the bug where keycards tooltip did not show expiration time and which killbox they activate.
- Fixed the bug where custom zone settings did not map to the correct damage types.
- Fixed the bug where character tattoos sometimes disappeared.
- Fixed the bug where you would not get a parachute on respawn in SP.
- Fixed the bug where disabling player count based prices would disable trading completly.
- Fixed an issue where you couldnt place sensors on existing doors.

- Vehicle parking custom zone setting is now "block" by default in outposts.
- Extended the range for remote door keys.
- Medical items/Rags tooltips now show a level of dirtiness influencing the contamination/infection.
For people that lost their tattoos and private part size, you can set it correctly again by using #SetTattoo and #SetPrivatePartsSize commands.