10 months ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
10 months ago - Beda - Direct link
5th day of the week for a 5th hotfix, it's like poetry, it rhymes. New Hotfix is live!

  • Fixed the issue where SDASS ADS would glitch out in some cases.
  • Fixed the issue where floor blueprints would turn red after adjacent blueprint was finished.
  • Fixed a chest duplication bug.
  • Fixed the issue where improvised workbench icon would not show in crafting menu.

  • Small vehicle storage racks will take less physical collision damage while mounted on bikes and bicycles.
  • Improved Police station HTZ puppet respawning.

Known issue:
Chests could count as more BB elements. Temp solution: in your flag area put chests in your hands and place them back on the ground.