Hey everyone enjoying your summer! Well let us improve on that! We got something special planned for you this week: New features, a whole lot of bugfixes and quality of life additions.
This is going to be a long read, so get yourself comfortable, grab an ice cold beverage
and without further ado, let's dive into it.
One detail you might've noticed is that the version number got a sudden increase. Worry not this is not an error. The last digit in the second number let's us know if it is a regular update or a hotfix so that's all.

Foreign substances are: Activated charcoal, painkillers, antibiotics and mushroom toxins.
During your nature travels in our forest areas, you probably came across some mushrooms.
Introducing the reworked Amanita family and Psilocybe Cyanescens mushrooms:

We're happy to introduce this feature which will make your journey on the island much more dangerous or much more fun (depends on how you look at it).
We've added a variety of toxins found IRL in mushrooms and how they affect the player so check them out.
ALPHA AMANITIN POISONING Alpha Amanitin is a lethal substance found in the Amanita mushroom family.
Poisoning will start when toxin levels reach 5% of the max amount.
- Amanita Phalloides has the highest amount of toxin and should kill the player after consuming one mushroom once the poisoning runs it's course, unless countered by activated charcoal.
- Amanita Virosa has a slightly lower amount of toxin and will bring the player on the brink of death or even death, unless countered by activated charcoal.
- Amanita Muscaria has 3 times less the amount of toxin from Amanita Virosa. It should not be lethal unless you eat at least 3 of them.
- Amanita Pantherina has even less toxin than Muscaria. It should not be lethal unless you eat at least 5 of them.
Alpha Amanitin poisoning after ingesting Amanita PhalloidesLevel 1 Severity (Severity 0-1)
- Fatigue (present in all three severity stages, at max severity capped at 50%)
- Weakness (present in all three severity stages, at max severity capped at 50%)
Level 2 Severity (Severity 1-2)
- Blurred vision (Blurred vision is no longer a periodic side effect, intensity increases as severity rises with a noticeable distant "Depth of field" visual effect)
- Diarrhea (will manifest periodically, with chances of it increasing as severity increases)
Severity 1: 0% chance
Severity 2 or higher: 100% chance
Level 3 Severity (Severity 2-3)- HP damage, death (The closer you get to max severity, the more health % you will lose. In time you will reach max severity and die, unless countered by activated charcoal)
Let's focus a bit on a updated body function:
- At the moment, the only way to get diarrhea as a symptom is through alpha amanitin poisoning (present in all Amanita family mushrooms)
- The effect is involuntary, meaning the prisoner will definitely poop his pants. Poop particles will be visible if prisoner is not wearing pants or underpants.
- If the prisoner is wearing pants while going through diarrhea, the dirtiness of the clothes will increase in direct proportion to the fecal matter expelled from the colon and water expelled from the intestines, causing significant water loss so be wary of dehydration.
MUSCIMOL POISONING Muscimol is a substance found in Amanita Muscaria and Amanita Pantherina mushrooms.
Poisoning will start when toxin levels reach 5% of the max amount.
- Amanita Muscaria has the biggest toxin concentration. It's not lethal unless consumed in a huge amount.
About 6 Muscaria mushrooms would likely kill you, but since Muscaria also has the Alpha
amanitin toxin (it's increase can be stopped by Activated charcoal) it's possible
to die from Muscimol if you are consuming Amanita Muscaria often.
- Amanita Pantherina has less Muscimol than Muscaria, you would have to eat 8 mushrooms for a lethal dose of toxin.
Muscimol poisoning after ingesting Amanita MuscariaLevel 1 Severity (Severity 0-1) - Hallucinations (present in all three severity stages, intensity rises as severity rises)
Level 2 Severity (Severity 1-2)- Double Vision
Severity 1 (0% intensity)
Severity 2 or higher (100% intensity)
- Disorientation
Severity 1 (0% intensity)
Severity 2 or higher (100% intensity)
Level 3 Severity (Severity 2-3) - HP damage, death (The closer you get to max severity, the more health % you will lose. In time you will reach max severity and die)
IBOTENIC ACID POISONING Ibotenic acid is a non-lethal substance found in the Amanita Muscaria and Amanita Pantherina mushrooms.
Poisoning will start when toxin levels reach 5% of the max amount.
Amanita Muscaria has the biggest toxin concentration. 7 mushrooms will give you the max amount of toxin.
Amanita Pantherina has a slightly lower toxin concentration. 8 mushrooms will give you the max amount of toxin.
Unlike the other toxins, Ibotenic acid poisoning has only 1 severity level.
Ibotenic acid poisoning after ingesting Amanita PantherinaLevel 1 Severity (Severity 0-1)- Weakness
Severity 0 (0% intensity)
Severity 1 (50% intensity)
- Blurred Vision (Blurred vision is no longer a periodic side effect, intensity increases as severity rises with a noticeable distant "Depth of field" visual effect)
Last but not least, for all the psychonauts wanting to expand their concsiousness:
Psilocybin is a psychoactive substance that can be found in the Psilocybe Cyanescens mushroom.
Poisoning will start when toxin levels reach 10% of the max amount
Psilocybe Cyanescens is the only mushroom containing that particular toxin.
It's a highly potent mushroom with 5/5 in game uses.
One use is enough to begin your "trip".
Psilocybin poisoning after ingesting 5/5 Psilocybe CyanescensLevel 1 Severity (Severity 0-1) Level 2 Severity (Severity 1-2)
- Double vision
- Blurred vision (Blurred vision is no longer a periodic side effect, intensity increases as severity rises with a noticeable distant "Depth of field" visual effect)
Level 3 Severity (Severity 2-3) - Disorientation:
Severity 2 (0% intensity)
Severity 3 (50% intensity)
We don't want to give away too much about the hallucinations because part of the experience is the
the surprise of seeing the effects for the first time, but we definitely recommend experimenting with a friend.
We are eager to hear your feedback!
How to counter toxins.
ACTIVATED CHARCOALConsuming activated charcoal increases the discard rate of all toxins from your metabolism while it's active.
At the moment one pill lasts about 4 minutes, and it's recommended to PERIODICALLY take a single tablet to maximize it's efficiency.
Activated charcoal will NOT diminish the effects of antibiotics or painkillers.
Activated charcoal countering psilocybin poisoningVOMITAlternatively, you can vomit to empty the contents of your stomach after ingesting a foreign substance, that includes toxins found in mushrooms.
Keep in mind that you should do it relatively quickly after ingesting a foreign substance.
Example: Eat a toxic mushroom (eg. Amanita Virosa), check your metabolism for the increasing amount of toxin released into your body after eating and the amount of mushroom in your stomach and intestine.
If you vomit quickly enough, the majority of the toxin will be expelled from your body, leaving small amounts that already managed to get transferred from the stomach to the intestine.
If you wait too long, the majority of the toxin will already be transferred to your intestine, and you will expel only a small amount or nothing at all.
Vomiting also empties any other nutrients present in your stomach at the time of vomiting so use with caution.
Vomiting will also expel painkillers, antibiotics and activated charcoal that have not yet been transferred from the stomach to the intestine, so their effects will be diminished.

Yes, you read that right! Now you can park your hard-earned airplanes at any outpost while doing the necessary shopping.
Fair warning, the runways are not that long so keep an eye on your approach speed while attempting to land or you might overshoot.
Check out the screenshots below, made by our amazing level design team.
A0 outpost airfield
B4 outpost airfield
Z3 outpost airfield
- Fixed music player crash when next track is played
- Numerous level design bug fixes
- Fixed the bug where the UI would crash the game sometimes
- Fixed the bug where UI widget progress bar would crash sometimes
- Fixed the B9 vitamin high intake bug
- Fixed bug when player was unable to chamber bullet into the Carbon Hunter
- Fixed the bug where the fishing attachments could be duplicated
- Numerous collision bug fixes
- Fixed server crash related to removing fortifications from some windows
- Fixed abusive repairs of all vehicles and items
- Fixed the name of SF19 magazine
- Fixed the bug where eating Lycoperdon Gigantea would instantly kill you
- Fixed a few animations regarding bolt action rifles
- Fixed the bug where you couldn't drop WW2 helmet on the floor
- Fixed the bug where you could shoot buried mines with arrows
- Fixed the bug where you couldn't see Carbon Hunter's magazine in vicinity

- Gas lantern can now be toggled on/off using Shift + E key combination
- Reduced the volume of puppet SFX that could be heard in bunkers through multiple wall layers
- VHS packs in cargo drop and killbox will provide ammoboxes instead of unpacked bullets
- AWM and AWP suppressors are now available at armory traders
- Eating or drinking the same item multiple times will merge them into one item shown in metabolism
(more details below)
Metabolism adjustments.
Metabolism will now be digesting the same nutrient from different foods parallelly.
- You eat food A that has protein, fat and carbs
- You eat food B that has protein, fat and carbs
- In our old system food B would not start digesting protein, fat and carbs at all until those nutrients are fully consumed from food A
- In our new system food A will be digesting the nutrients x amount per hour
- While at the same time food B that you consumed will be digesting the same nutrients x/5 amount per hour
- If you consume all the protein from food A, then the protein from food B will start digesting at full speed
This means that you have to eat a variety of food. If you eat the same kind of food it will be stacking and the parallel nutrient consumption will not happen.