[2022] SCUM - Development update #15
almost 3 years ago -
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A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page
almost 3 years ago -
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Monday is here and so is the Development update, on time this time!
Divided the kills from events to log into separate kill log.
Fixed the airplane spawners in Single player.
Research for item rework.
Working on modular vehicles attachment system.
Research for farming system.
Created a script for redictories in the editor.
Working on different mushroom effects.
Created the prototype of modular vehicles.
Optimizing data.
Setting up Fisherman trader items.
Outpost optimizations.
Inspecting the texture memory status.
Optimizing Samobor city. (like 70% of the team is on that)
Finishing bathroom props and decals.
Setting up the fisherman traders post.
Setting up VHS recoil animation.
Setting up VHS down the sights and first person animations.
Facial animations for the remaining traders.
Rigging assets for Mr Brenner.
Worked on weapon decay visuals.
Adapting the new vehicle model for modular vehicles.
Working on new armored vest.
Re-texturing bulletproof vests.
Improvised GL animations.
Painting vertex weight on female character models.
New motorbike animations.
Remaining trader body animations.
Bugfixing audio.
Cleaning up and syncing remaining trader audio.
Improving water sounds.
Catching and banning cheaters.
Reporting feedback from the community.
Reporting the bugs.
Writing the patch notes.
Giving feedback on new features.
Working on a mystery event.
Researching the electricity system.
Reviewing design documents.
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