New God Release: Nut - The Goddess of the Sky
Nut has descended from the skies themselves and has arrived on the Battleground of the Gods! Will she be able to use her awe striking cosmic powers to bring harmony to the fighting between the Gods? Find out now!
Passive - Flux
When Nut hits an enemy god with a damaging ability, she gains a stacking Attack Speed buff for 5s. Nut may gain multiple stacks from a single ability.
Nut enhances her Basic Attacks, firing 2 additional damaging projectiles from her sides at a converging angle. All projectiles pierce enemies but not walls, with the center dealing Basic Attack damage and the sides dealing ability damage. Nut always ... Read more
Nut has descended from the skies themselves and has arrived on the Battleground of the Gods! Will she be able to use her awe striking cosmic powers to bring harmony to the fighting between the Gods? Find out now!
Passive - Flux
When Nut hits an enemy god with a damaging ability, she gains a stacking Attack Speed buff for 5s. Nut may gain multiple stacks from a single ability.
Nut enhances her Basic Attacks, firing 2 additional damaging projectiles from her sides at a converging angle. All projectiles pierce enemies but not walls, with the center dealing Basic Attack damage and the sides dealing ability damage. Nut always ... Read more