Wield the power of the Cosmos!
Join the @Alienware Arena Giveaway for a chance to win a code for Cosmic Power Anubis and unleash world-dominating star power!
Details here:
Ganesha has been here since 2017, and he has become a pillar of the SMITE Deities!
Let's all get together today and wish Ganesha, our God of Success, a happy SMITE Birthday! 🎂🥳🎈
Crocfather Sobek is all about good times, and cold blooded cash!
And with style like this, it isn't even hard 🕶🐊
@SmitePro: The FINAL DAY of Phase 1 BEGINS RIGHT NOW!
The @SPLKings and @SPLValkyries are going head-to-head... The Valkyries had an in…
Here in SMITE, we want 2x the fun this weekend!
For starting today, every match completed this weekend, you will earn 2x Worshipers! Make sure to hop onto the Battleground and earn those masteries!
Divine Deities!
We have temporarily disabled Kuzenbo due to a visibility issue on his 1st Ability: NeNe Kappa.
You can follow along on the Community Trello:
@SmitePro: It is time to begin the FINAL week of PHASE 1 of the SMITE Pro League 💥
Today's matches:
@SPLBolts VS @SPLTitans @SPLScara…
In celebration of Earth Day, @Verizon customers can claim the Spriggan Terra skin, now through the end of April! 🌎
We've released a hotfix this morning to address some issues with the #TheJadeEmperor Update! ⚡Incorrect Conquest Jungle Timer ⚡Freezy Bot Ymir's Wall not spawning ⚡Several small Yu Huang issues
Full details here:
Alpha Test sign ups for Hi-Rez's next game are open!
Our UK based studio, @RedBeardGames, has been hard at work on a new title for PC and Console, and we want to give YOU the first chance to play. Head to the link below to sign up!
Happy Earth Day Divine Deities!
You can earn the Earth Day Avatar with a FWOTD! Hop on the Battleground, earn that victory, and you can show your love for our Planet in style 🌎🌍🌏
"What do you got, huh?!"
Report for duty on the Battleground as Rambo Ullr, available to claim now through @PrimeGaming!
Yu Huang is a Master of Dao, and he earned that title with style.
The #JadeEmperor Update is LIVE!
⚡ New Skins for the Heavenly Light Event ⚡ Balance & Changes ⚡ New God - Yu Huang
Divine Deities,
We'd like to share some updates about our most recent online connectivity issues:
Although he has only been on the Battleground of the Gods for a single year, the drop-kicks have made memories to last a lifetime.
Let's all wish Gilgamesh - the King of Uruk, a happy SMITE Birthday!
@XboxWire: The Jade Emperor Update heralds the arrival of Yu Huang, the long-awaited Lord of the Chinese Pantheon, available now in @Smi…
Your favorite characters from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have returned in the new Cowabunga Chest, including Retro Raphael Loki and Krang Xing Tian!
The 9.4 Update is live NOW! You can check out all of the nerfs, new skins, and the new God Yu Huang all available NOW, in SMITE!
@HirezOps: [status] Completed: The scheduled maintenance has been completed.