
Smite Dev Tracker

18 Sep


Hello u/SupriseOnion and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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RULE 8 - Low-Effort

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17 Sep


Hello u/OGTHAONE and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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You may only make a promotional post once every 72 hours

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Hello u/OGTHAONE and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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You may only make a promotional post once every 72 hours

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Originally posted by [deleted]


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16 Sep


Originally posted by whomst_calls_so_loud

Aura slow on mitigate damage too please

Now you're cooking with slows.


Originally posted by whomst_calls_so_loud

Ok but when are you guys making Hercules more muscular and giving him a bigger rock

If it is bigger it should probably get it's knockup back for theme reasons. Although we did remove that; probably can't bring it back.

How about a slow?


Originally posted by Kaios-0

Allowing exploration of abilities and ideas is a good point actually, I can agree with that.

I will double down on Baba Yaga though, I think there might be some confirmation of the wrong things going on there. Baba started seeing play when her cooldowns, animation times, house, and items she builds were buffed. She does pretty insane damage so people play her, but that doesn't mean the RNG works out necessarily. The #1 complaint I hear from anyone playing Baba is that the 1 being random is the only thing they don't like, and/or the buffs on the 1 only really having one good buff (the silence). I think she might need to be looked at in that regard.

Sure, and I would be OK if this is just something we disagree on.

To me the 1 being random is about playing around the hand you are dealt with the occasional 'high roll' with the drawback being a specific lack of consistency. This isn't the only version of RNG in her kit but it is the more extreme version.

To some people this is going to be a complete deathblow to the desire to play her. I think this is OK. Assault is somewhat similar. Some people like the randomness and others don't and won't touch the mode. We even mitigate the RNG some with healer rules but if you add too many more I think you remove a lot of what is appealing about the mode. (TL;DR here : It's ok if the RNG alienates some players. There is also probably an 'optimal' RNG amount to maximize how many people enjoy her).

Here would be the two ways in which I think the OK goes to Not OK.

  1. If her popularity suffered so much due to this. She isn't the most popular but she also...

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Originally posted by Kaios-0

Would you say that you guys maybe put a little too much emphasis on thematics over actual gameplay? I feel like many decisions put into god kits have become instantly frustrating but easily avoidable from a design standpoint. Like you said Heimdallr originally had a tremble, which immediately sounds like a terrible idea that should have never been considered. Other examples are Tsukuyomi having a true damage basic attack, Baba Yaga's RNG on her 1, and Persephone's old and new passives.

Like all of those sound cool from a lore and thematic standpoint, but when considering gameplay they all sound like terrible ideas on paper for the playerbase to experience.

Possibly, but it also helps us push to explore territory that can provide unique gameplay. With pure focus on Gameplay it can be easy to not explore more dangerous ideas or just immediately dismiss them; but often you would miss out on the insight of both what options to explore once you commit to an idea but future lessons for gods.

3/4 of your examples I would say show this pretty well works. Pushing how "disorienting" we can make his horn was a relatively low risk exercise on our part that wouldn't break the characters theme if it was not there and had some potential payoff that is could have bolstered his theme some and potentially provided unique gameplay. It was tested as a known higher risk aspect but it was a pretty easy thing to try out, iterate on, and discard if it didn't feel like an add.

Tsukuyomi's Basic Attacks is similar. It had the potential to double down on his theme and reinforce his precise and calculating demeanor and the pointedness of the ab...

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This is actually neat. Often when working on gods we are more specific to them and may or may not fall into patterns without realizing this so this was a good opportunity to gut check some of the decisions made on those gods. While if I could go back and change some decisions I have made through various gods developments (I think any designer on any game feels similarly, lol); I am unsure if I would change much about these slows.

I was curious to go back and get specific numbers but I know in general SMITE is a pretty slow heavy game. Looking at the total god roster of 116, 89 have a slow to some capacity (76.7%). Removing all of these gives a historical 71.2%. It serves as a reward inside a kit to follow up on further aggression without being so disruptive as to remove control from players and in general creates good fair moments of tension so I am not surprised that this is the case. It is also why Winged Blade has always been (and likely always will be) a really good ite...

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15 Sep

14 Sep


Hello u/19fourty4 and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Please wait 72 hours between posts like these to prevent subreddit spam.

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13 Sep