The door's about to close on the Voice Pack Chest sale!
Snag a few more Voice Packs before the sale ends tonight!
The God Pack sales are ending today for @PlayStation players!
Make sure to grab the best deal of the season!
Their fated battle has come to a head!
Splinter Hachiman and Shredder Ravana are available now in the Radical Chest!
All of the Pantheon Chests are on sale now!
If you missed some of your favorites while these Chests were on sale during the week, now's your chance to snag what you want!
If you've been eyeing some new Exclusive Skins from the store, now's the time to make the call!
The sale on Exclusive Skins ends tonight!
How has your 3x Worshiper event been going?
Show us!
There's still a full day of bonus rewards to be earned, so log in now and grind out some Masteries!
Time really does fly when you're having fun! But that means the Gem Sale is about to end!
Stock up on Gems before the sale ends tonight!!
Happy first Sunday of Advent! We wish you happy holidays and a great time before Christmas! 🎁
We're investigating increased loading times and lobby crashes! If you experienced issues please reply with a match id below! Thank you for your support!
Voice Pack Chests are on sale right now!
Grab something new today, and make sure to use your new VP to call out when enemies are missing 🙃
Take Snow Kitten Bastet onto the Battleground to let her precious feline friends run free!
Grab her through the Winter Wonderland Chest or by Direct Purchase!
Add someone new to the team with the Alliance Chest for 25% off!
Have you checked out all the Exclusve Skins on sale yet?
What are you waiting for?? Log in today and grab a few before the sale ends on Sunday!
Time to get some shiny, new diamonds!
All weekend long, earn 3x Worshipers after every game!
Who are you maining this weekend?
If you haven't unlocked all of the Gods, then check out our Ultimate God Pack!
Instantly unlock all past, present, and future Gods for one insanely low price!
Get your hands on some of the best savings of the season!
From Exclusive Skins and Chests to Gods and beyond, we have tons of content to save on!
Get all the details about what's on sale and when on the blog:
The Norse Chests have just docked for half off, so stock up today!
Tell the ones you love how much they mean to you this Thanksgiving ❤️
...and then tell them to Party Up with you in SMITE so you can earn 2x Favor, Worshipers, and XP!