
Smite Dev Tracker

09 Dec

08 Dec

07 Dec


Hello Goop_67 and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Community Content

Skin concepts. Skin concepts must include artwork. You may not find an image of something you like and share it as a skin concept. You must credit the artist in a comment by linking to the location you got the artwork from.

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Hello Cap_Feisty and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):


Your Memes are too dank for this subreddit! Please post to ...

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Originally posted by Leenol

Yeah (unless you have a puch of course) that's why the healers are banned every game lol.. I remember when yemoja was available for a while after she came out. Now that was op!

im my experience Ra tends to make it through bans - this is may be more of a tryhard comp than a troll comp - but I DARE you to find something more satisfying than multiple Ra snipes on the same unsuspecting enemy!


5 Ra's (or 4 Ra and 1 CC heavy tank)

always try to coordinate your snipes at the same time and same target to just ERASE people

plus healers = win

06 Dec


Hello SpearmintSpaff and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

Sadly, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):


This is a subreddit for discussion about the video game Smite - tangentially related content should be posted elsewhere.


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05 Dec

04 Dec