
Smite Dev Tracker

16 Dec


Originally posted by Xaoyu

When healing is too strong players die less

thats... the point ?

Why would anyone play healer rather than a pure damage dealer if he can't get as much value from his healing as from a potential higher burst damage ?

A dead enemy can't hurt me. So if i can't stay alive thanks to my heal, how can being a healer be as good as just dealing more damage ?

You created the problem by making your playerbase entitled to get kills quite easily : someone is out position he just dies. and everything that would prevent that death is considered as frustrating and game breaking.

The healer role existed in a lot of other moba (multiplayer pvp games in closed map) and people were used to deal with it. It was just part of the culture. "Focus the healer !"

The whole heal-anti heal thing in Smite is an articifical feature. Strong heal abilities are here to give an impression of kits diversity and anti heal is here to nullifie it...

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Yeah, that was the point. I wanted to make it clear what it means for SMITE when we turn the healing knob up across the game.

Taken to its extreme, imagine a god that can ONLY heal. That god existing in that match would have to significantly reduce the kills to be considered even remotely effective.

My major point was to the original poster. He was pushing for healing to be its own identity supported with a slew of items. This turns the the knob up across the game by default. It must result in less kills; there is no other possible outcome to that proposal.

I think there are players who would 100% prefer that type of game. But we have to decide if that is the type of game most players would prefer and we have some historical evidence and we have made choices from the beginning of SMITE that tend to push the game in a different direction. The direction of SMITE has also changed over time as the design team refines and adapts our goals based on player feedba...

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Originally posted by Sinisterniik

Thank you for responding here. It's always helpful to get insights from designers.

What puzzles me is that Hirez recognizes that healers are strong and then continues to buff them. Ra and Guan both recieved buffs recently (and Aphro/others before that). Caduceus Shield was brought in as yet another way to buff team healing -something that was rare for a solo laner to consider up till now. You also changed the healing mechanic in 7.11 so that there's even more healing across the board. Other than Tsukuyomi, the last several gods ALL have healing in their kits going back to Set/Horus.

So while you seem to recognize that healing is an unfun and difficult to balance mechanic, you continue to both buff existing healing while introducing new ways to heal.

I just dont understand the rationale. Adding the antiheal crit item is nice, but it shouldn't be Anhur's responsibility to apply antiheal to an enemy Hel. Contagion doesn't stack with Pestilence, so there really ...

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We have a few different approaches to balance. In general Warrior healers were not seen as effective and more specifically Guan Yu was not seen as effective. It did not matter that Guan Yu was statistically performing; he was often placed as a very low priority pick across the board.

Ra was in a similar spot until recently, seen as a mid to low tier mage at best. It did not matter that he statistically does well.

We have seen this year that focusing on the perceived strength of the character and how it feels to fight as them and against them in the context of a match is much better than pointing at our spreadsheets and going "We are right, sorry guys".

Gods having healing in their kit is contextual. Healing itself isn't bad; my argument is too much healing is bad. Tsukuyomi's healing is somewhat limited in that he won't find much to Basic Attack for long enough to heal. Set MUST be fighting a god to heal and Horus' heal has very low scaling making it larg...

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Stop trying to make split push and instant burst Loki happen. Its not going to happen.


Originally posted by Avernuscion

Well that is interesting. From my perspective I'd have thought being able to tank more in itself among all classes would be somewhat of a feelsbetter as it allows for more reaction and less frustration value as it allows for more counterplay. While games go quicker because players are being deleted, it still from what I'm aware of leaves a sour feeling thing in people's heads that they just got insta-gibbed.

I do however think that healing metas are more frustrating on the visual perception of it being your enemy just instantly stimpacks back to full and I suppose being just helpless to do anything about it? In a sense a heal is a translation of mana to hp over time, whereas if one doesn't have a heal then this mechanic is scrubbed out entirely. If healers also get speed steroids and so on in the case of Shield of Regrowth and Hel's Inspire but also in the proliferation of having items that increase their movement like Doom Orb, Charon's and Relic Dagger, that's also some b...

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I should clarify burst a bit. In general what I mean is that when players dump their kits into each other, someone dies. Since they have to dump multiple abilities even burst comes out over a few seconds. MOBAs should have a higher time to kill than say a game like Counterstrike by default.

When things get TOO bursty (see old Loki, when you feed a He Bo, etc.) it can become frustrating as you often feel like you cannot play a fight.

Some characters will push for faster responses (if you hear Kuku ult you better Aegis) while others will allow for slower fights but the detrimental slowness is when gods can dive each other, dump 1 to 2 rounds of their full kit, and nobody has died yet. Even if it feels fun to someone who enjoys those types of fights it can be difficult to even end a game in that scenario.

Burst does have a distinct disadvantage as if you aren't attuned to reacting to it (new player as you mentioned) you are more susceptible to what feels like...

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Originally posted by Caesarthepeach

This sounds weird ,but here's one thing I think that helps solve the problem that we have as healing and anti healing itemization. The healing spike from asclepius, or the anti heal spike from things like divine and brawlers make healing just WAY to binary. If your team is scrambling to get anti heal online the match feels terrible, but then suddenly you have cursed ank , divine and brawlers and it just feels like a landslide difference.

Why I bring this up is, the problem with percent pen was very similiar, where the fall and spike in the effectiveness of prots and %pen were just too sudden. Why not try to spread out the anti heal stat amongst some items kind of like what was done with percetage pen, and then introduce new items that have spread out stats that provide % healing bonus as a stat..along with that, I think most "healers" should have their scaling on heals waayyy lowered way down , but you can encourage itemizing specifically into a new tree of healer items t...

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I touched on that a little bit; the per fight feeling of your healing can wildly vary from moment to moment. It isn't even about people knowing if anti-heal exists as Diamond+ Healers have a clear advantage. Ff those players cannot recognize when to buy Anti-heal and apply it regularly then basically no-one can (or healers are not shut out entirely but can feel that way).


Originally posted by PonPonWeiWei

We have spent a lot of time over the years discussing healers, their role in SMITE, and how best to support them. I think you have done a good job outlining some of the variance caused by healers and an approach to resolve that; but I want to provide some more context of our opinions so you can see why we are where we are with healers.

Lotus Crown was an attempt for a more healer focused item. This item when released was incredibly potent creating what you described at the end as a problem state. You could largely flex this as a one off and make your heals provide super utility while still building full damage. There are likely healthier ways to do this but healing has some core truths that we also try to be careful of. These are simply what must occur when healing is strong.

When healing is too strong players die less. When healing is too strong combat can feel less meaningful.

We often bounce between a Tank Meta and a Burst Meta. While somewhere in betwe...

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Thanks, Pon! Nicely said!

I'm afk for a bit with the little guy, and Pon probably said it better than i ever could anyway.

Happy to see the community starting such deep discussions! And we have already been thinking/working on this topic already - i love when design + community align.

We will discuss more with olympians and pros and ill be back in this thread later if needed.

There are a lot of different ways to adjust healers, and we will be clear with our goals and our processes when we present anything on this to you all in the form of patch notes.


Hello RafaReMark and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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We have spent a lot of time over the years discussing healers, their role in SMITE, and how best to support them. I think you have done a good job outlining some of the variance caused by healers and an approach to resolve that; but I want to provide some more context of our opinions so you can see why we are where we are with healers.

Lotus Crown was an attempt for a more healer focused item. This item when released was incredibly potent creating what you described at the end as a problem state. You could largely flex this as a one off and make your heals provide super utility while still building full damage. There are likely healthier ways to do this but healing has some core truths that we also try to be careful of. These are simply what must occur when healing is strong.

When healing is too strong players die less. When healing is too strong combat can feel less meaningful.

We often bounce between a Tank Meta and a Burst Meta. While somewhere in betwe...

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15 Dec


Hello jaradat02 and thank you for participating on r/Smite.

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Robbing the biggest bank in the country? Been there. Raiding the casino’s vaults? Done that. Infiltrating the heavily guarded private party island of the ruthless drug lord El Rubio? Now you’re talking. Leave behind the lights of Los Santos for the sands of Cayo Perico and your biggest heist yet.

The Cayo Perico Heist is the largest and most ambitious Grand Theft Auto Online adventure to date. Playable from start to finish either as a lone operator or with up to three other players, discover dozens of ways to infiltrate and heist a brand-new location for the ultimate score. Your journey begins with an introduction to a new contact found at the Los Santos nightlife scene’s latest attraction…


If you are bound to meet anyone in The Music Locker’s uber-exclusive VIP section, it is Miguel Madrazo, club-rat son of Martin and Patricia and heir to the family’s empire. As he is prone to telling anyone within shouting distance... Read more

Originally posted by DWHallLiu

Danza's 1 only provides 9 Gold rather than the 10 stated in the description.

Also I don't have his Voice Pack from the Season Pass thing.

Danza's 1 only provides 9 Gold rather than the 10 stated in the description.

Danza's passive stores 10% of the gold he earns, which is the 1 gold that's missing, here.

As far as the voice pack for season pass - have you tried relogging?


Originally posted by njl4515

Do you have an ETA for the fix? I'm a Ymir main and this was what I was excited about.

likely wont go in until 8.1 - but keep an eye out for any hotfix notes in case we are able to get it in sooner.


This is a known bug, this change did not go live. Sorry about that :(

New Japanese Hunter - Danzaburou, The Legendary Tanuki

Passive - Dubious Savings

Every time Danzaburou actively gains gold, he stores 10% into one of his money pouches instead. When a pouch is completely filled, Danzaburou gains bonus gold and a permanent Physical Power increase before switching to a larger money pouch.

Fool's Gold

Danzaburou rolls out 3 money bags that pass through and damage Enemy minions but stop on Enemy gods, slowing as they travel. Gods hit are damaged and Intoxicated, dropping a gold coin that Danzaburou or his ally gods can pick up to provide him 10 gold. When a money bag stops moving, it reveals to be an explosive which detonates after a short delay. Subsequent hits of the money bag or explosions deal 20% damage.

Alluring Spirits

Danzaburou takes... Read more