
Smite Dev Tracker

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Originally posted by gertok9

"Games are lasting on average 29 minutes"

I haven't had a sub 40 minute game all week. You can't include the 10 minute surrenders in the average game time equation

Let me elaborate a little more on this to clarify:

the average match length will scale up depending on how you pull the data

You cant just say "dont include 10 minute surrenders" in a data set (well you can but its not going to do what you want it to do). You have to choose a minimum acceptable match length.

You could search by flag=was surrendered, but thats generally a bad idea because very close/good/long games can still end in surrender, often right before the titan dies or after a huge fight is lost. Culling out surrenders does generally increase the average match length, but I think it also culls out data that is important to keep.

So instead you have to average all matches over 10m, or all matches over 15m, etc

With that logic - we have internally decided that matches that end before 15m for any reasons are bad matches. You could potentially argue that even 20m is still a pretty rough match now in 9.5 - but I think many reasonable su...

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24 May

23 May