
Spellbreak Dev Tracker

14 Dec

13 Dec

Originally posted by Randomer57272

If you do develop new gamemodes, tell us and be specific so we know what's coming. Maybe tease it when we launch the game.

Small idea, you could test new modes, so the gamemode could be in beta and to have access to the new mode you must be X level? That'd be an incentive to play.

Internally we do test quite a lot.

Externally, we ask for folks to help test things out occasionally! Keep an eye out for those posts, hopefully we have another round of testing in the near future. I can't promise anything but we'll see!

From one gamer dad to another, welcome to Spellbreak! Great username btw!

Super glad to hear you're enjoying it! If you have any questions or need help with anything, feel free to reach out.

Also, how do you get up so early to play!

Originally posted by swaggplollol

Please don't tell me the only thing in this update is a battle pass and teleports

We can't reveal all of our secrets!😂

Originally posted by SockPuppers

I know you're not asking me specifically but I feel compelled to offer my 2 cents. I play for two things - the combat system and victory.

The combat system is unique and exciting. Skillshots instead of hitscan increases the difficulty and mana management adds an extra layer of micro decision-making to every encounter. Then there's so many different class, gauntlet and talent options to add variety to the fights.

Victory is pretty straight forward. The sense of accomplishment by defeating other players. Clash does not provide that same thrill because of instant respawns. Any sort of 1v1 or team arena mode would be fantastic. A ranking system would also be wholly welcomed.

Like OP, I'm not really into quests and grinding. I don't like looting very much either. I want to get right down to what makes the game special, PvP!

Fair enough! As a Quake player of over 20 years, I get it. The combat is what really pulled me into this game back in Oct of 2018 (pre-alpha stage). Lore, quests, grinding, etc - they can be fun for sure but I'm right there with you, let's get in there and rumble!

As we progress, there will be additional game modes that we look forward to sharing with you all.

Originally posted by Randomer57272

Maybe it will boost the playerbase by 5-10%, but people are acting like this alone will save everything including console.

Chapter 1 is going to tell me everything I need to know, we'll see how they spent their time, I know what content creators and Reddit users have been asking for - if they ignore it then I'm probably done.

If there's no new content then I'll disappointed, I know they're releasing new challenges and rifts, but I don't play to complete dumb challenges or grind a battlepass.

Might I ask what it is that you play for?

12 Dec