over 11 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
This is a modified copy of the sticky thread with a similar title from CK2. Please point out any errors or additions below.

File Locations on Windows
The default location for the executables (eu4.exe and eu4_launch.exe and DLCs) is in C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/Europa Universalis IV/ .

The user files (settings.txt, error logs, saved games, gfx, mods) are in C:\Users\USER\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\

File Locations on Mac OS X
The executable and DLC folder are in Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Europa Universalis IV/

On OS X 10.8.x and later, Apple have hidden the /Users/USER/Library/ folder. To see it go to the Finder, hit command-shift-G (ie Go To) and type in ~/Library/ .

The user files (settings.txt, error logs, saved games, gfx, mods) are in /Users/USER/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/ .

File Locations on Linux
The binary and DLC folder by default are in ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Europa\ Universalis\ IV/

Since the 1.12 patch the user files (settings.txt, error logs, saved games, gfx, mods) are now in .local/share/Paradox\ Interactive/Europa\ Universalis\ IV/ , not in /home/$USER/.paradoxinteractive/Europa\ Universalis\ IV/ any more.

If you run a CK2 savegame export, then that will appear in .local/share/Paradox\ Interactive/Crusader\ Kings\ II/eu4_export/mod

Where to find a local copy of your Cloud saves:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\\236850\remote\save games

How to clear out your Steam Cloud save space:

Delivery of eBooks
eBooks connected with PDS games are delivered by Steam as .mobi and .epub files into the game files, they are NOT available within the Steam client itself at all. The folder they end up in is:
\Steam\SteamApps\common\Europa Universalis IV\ebook

Windowed Mode

Yes, the game can be run in windowed mode. In order to enable it, you need to go into your documents folder and open a file named settings.txt (use Notepad or Textedit.app, not Word). Change the line that says "fullScreen=yes" to "fullScreen=no" (minus the quotation marks) and save. You may want to select a different resolution for this, too.

Custom resolutions

EU4's engine allows you to create a custom resolution, which for example would be useful if you want to emulate a borderless window mode (not directly supported) or double the text size without making everything look too blurry. This can be simply done by opening the settings.txt file (see above for where to find it) and changing the "x" and "y" variables near the top of the file. "x" is the width and "y" is the height. Note that the smallest supported values are 1024 (for "x") and 768 (for "y"). (Kudos to ewphoenix123 for this tip!)

Performance boosts

If you're running the game on an older computer or a laptop, you may notice some "lag" or low framerates (game feels sluggish). If this the case for you, you may be able to improve the performance by disabling various graphical options. Open settings.txt in your documents folder (see above for where to find it) and change lines to read as below (you should experiment with these, not all will necessarily help and some will reduce map features).





Note that EU4 is less forgiving than CK2 for under-spec video cards in particular. If none of the above helps you can try any of the low-res mods in the EU3 User Mods forum; also is it presumed and hoped that Paradox will further optimise EU4 performance in upcoming patches (1.1.3 was just release at the time of writing this, so after that). There is no known fix or workaround just yet for the month-start hesitations, nor for the autosave lag in Ironman mode.

Different location for save files and screenshots

By default, the game puts the save files and screenshots into your Documents folder (see above). If you would prefer them to be kept in a different location, you can change this. Here is how:

Go to the location of the actual game files (where the executable is). Here, manually create a plain text file named userdir.txt. In this text file, put the path of where you would like the game to put save files and screenshots, e.g. D:\Games\EU4User\. (You can delete the folder in My Documents and restart the game, it will create its files in the new location.)

IMPORTANT: Before you do this, backup your save games, screenshots, etc, so that nothing is lost!  
almost 11 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
DLC names and numbers

DLCs reside in the program files area (this is under Steam/SteamApps/Common/Europa Universalis IV/DLC/) as two files for each DLC; dlc001.zip and dlc001.dlc . The .zip file contains the actual data, images or songs; the .dlc file is a simple text file that can be read with Notepad or Textapp and contains the title of the DLC as below.

001 100 Years War Unit Pack
002 Horsemen of the Crescent Unit Pack
003 Winged Hussars Unit Pack
004 Star and Cresent
005 American Dream
006 Purple Phoenix
007 National Monuments
008 Conquest of Constantinople Music Pack
009 National Monuments II

010 Conquest of Paradise
011 Conquistadors Unit Pack
012 Native Americans Unit Pack
013 Songs of the New World
014 Songs of Yuletide
015 Native Americans II Unit Pack
016 Colonial British and French Unit Pack
017 Muslim Advisor Portraits

018 Wealth of Nations
019 Muslim Ships Unit Pack
020 Trade Nations Unit Pack
021 Res Publica

024 Indian Subcontinent Unit Pack
025 Indian Ships Unit Pack
026 Republican Music

027 Art of War
028 Evangelical Union Unit Pack
029 Catholic League Unit Pack
030 Songs of War
031 Guns, Drums and Steel

033 El Dorado
034 South American Unit Pack
035 Mesoamerican Unit Pack
036 Songs of Exploration
037 Guns, Drums and Steel volume 2
038 Women in History

039 Common Sense
040 Theocracies Unit Pack
041 Buddhists Unit Pack
042 Great Nations Unit Pack
043 Free Cities Unit Pack
044 Kairi's Soundtrack

046 The Cossacks
047 Black Sea Unit Pack
048 Great Hordes Unit Pack
049 European Cavalry Unit Pack
050 Forts Pack
051 The Cossacks Music Pack
052 Sabaton Soundtrack
053 Catholic Majors Unit Pack
054 Evangelical Majors Unit Pack

055 Mare Nostrum
056 Italian Unit Pack
057 East African Unit Pack
058 North African Unit Pack
059 Kairis Soundtrack Part 2

060 Rights of Man
061 German Princes Unit Pack
062 West African Unit Pack
063 Songs of Regency

064 Fredman's Epistles
065 Fredman's Midsummer Epistles

066 Mandate of Heaven
067 Daimyo Unit Pack
068 Asian Majors Unit Pack
069 The North Unit Pack
070 Artillery Pack
071 Asian Navies

072 Third Rome (immersion pack)
073 Russian Principalities Unit Pack
074 Russian Borders Unit Pack
075 Russian What If? Unit Pack
076 The Rus Awaken

077 Cradle of Civilization
078 Peninsula Unit Pack
079 Persian Unit Pack
080 The Rivers Unit Pack
081 Kairi's Soundtrack 3 - Ottoman Tunes
082 Iranian Advisor Portraits
083 Muslim Female Advisor Portraits

084 Rule Britannia
085 Western Ireland Unit Pack
086 Eastern Ireland Unit Pack
087 British Nations Unit Pack
088 British Revolutionary Unit Pack
089 Rule Britannia Music Pack

090 Dharma
091 Dharma - Hindu Unit Pack
092 Dharma - Indian Sultanate Pack
093 Dharma Advisor Portraits
094 Dharma Music Pack

095 Golden Century
096 Golden Century - Iberian Ship Pack
097 Golden Century - Berber Ship Pack
098 Golden Century - Iberian Unit Pack
099 Golden Century Music Pack

100 Imperator Unit Pack

Bolded underlined entries are major DLCs that show reassurance icons in-game. Others are "cosmetic", that is they do not affect gameplay at all.  
about 10 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
It is described correctly in the first post of this very thread.  
about 9 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Updated for visibility.  
almost 9 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
I don't know where they came from, I'm sorry, just that they appeared in my installation!  
about 8 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
This is a modified copy of the sticky thread with a similar title from EU4. Please point out any errors or additions below.

File Locations on Windows
The default location for the executables (stellaris.exe and DLCs) is in C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/Stellaris/ .

The user files (settings.txt, error logs, saved games, gfx, mods) are in C:\Users\USER\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\

File Locations on Mac OS X
The executable and DLC folder are in Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Stellaris/

On OS X 10.8.x and later, Apple have hidden the /Users/USER/Library/ folder. To see it go to the Finder, hit command-shift-G (ie Go To) and type in ~/Library/ .

The user files (settings.txt, error logs, saved games, mods) are in or under /Users/USER/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/ .

File Locations on Linux
The binary and DLC folder by default are in ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common/Stellaris/

The user files (settings.txt, error logs, saved games, gfx, mods) are in .local/share/Paradox\ Interactive/Stellaris/ .

Where to find a local copy of your Cloud saves:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\\281990\remote\save games

How to clear out your Steam Cloud save space:

Delivery of eBooks
eBooks connected with PDS games are delivered by Steam as .mobi and .epub files into the game files, they are NOT available within the Steam client itself at all. The folder they end up in is:

Windowed Mode

Yes, the game can be run in windowed mode. In order to enable it, you need to go into your documents folder and open a file named settings.txt (use Notepad or Textedit.app, not Word). Change the line that says "fullScreen=yes" to "fullScreen=no" (minus the quotation marks) and save. You may want to select a different resolution for this, too.

Different location for save files and screenshots

By default, the game puts the save files and screenshots into your Documents folder (see above). If you would prefer them to be kept in a different location, you can change this. Here is how:

Go to the location of the actual game files (where the executable is). Here, manually create a plain text file named userdir.txt. In this text file, put the path of where you would like the game to put save files and screenshots, e.g. D:\Games\StellarisUser\. (You can delete the folder in My Documents and restart the game, it will create its files in the new location.)

IMPORTANT: Before you do this, backup your save games, screenshots, etc, so that nothing is lost!  
about 8 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
DLC names and numbers

DLCs reside in the program files area (this is under Steam/SteamApps/Common/Stellaris/DLC/) as two files for each DLC; dlc001.zip and dlc001.dlc , which are inside a sub-folder dlc001_dlc_name . The .zip file contains the actual data, images or songs; the .dlc file is a simple text file that can be read with Notepad or Textapp and contains the title of the DLC as below.

001 Symbols of Domination
002 Arachnoid Portrait Pack
003 Paradox Account Sign-up Bonus
004 Plantoid (Portrait Pack)
010 Creatures of the Void Portrait Pack
012 Leviathans Story Pack
013 Horizon Signal
014 Utopia

015 Anniversary Portraits
016 Synthetic Dawn
017 Apocalypse
018 Humanoids
019 Distant Stars
020 Megacorp

Bolded underlined entries are major DLCs. Others are "cosmetic" or flavour packs.  
about 8 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Only by the developers. I suggest you ask for help in the User Mods forum.  
about 8 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
I'm not either, but I don't have anything else to offer, sorry.  
about 7 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Updated for visibility.  
about 7 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Updated for visibility.  
about 6 years ago - gigau - Direct link
Bump for visibility.  
about 6 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Updated for visibility.  
about 5 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Update for visibility.  
about 5 years ago - AndrewT - Direct link
Updated for visibility.