about 1 year
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[3.10.4 Beta] - Commanders die quickly to orbital bombardment, but not ground combat
Game Version
[3.10.4 Beta]
What version do you use?
Paradox Launcher
What expansions do you have installed?
Utopia, Distant Stars, Ancient Relics, Federations
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I fought ground combats in a war with my stack of ~20 assault armies led by a commander and they didn't die during about a month of ground combat. However, I then landed those armies on a friendly planet, which after a few months of losing the war came under bombardment. The leader died within a week. Enemy transports eventually then arrived in the system. I hired a new leader for the army as they neared the planet. The leader died from bombardment before the enemy armies landed.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Enter war. Have one of your planets with 10+ assault armies (I didn't have any defensive armies since it was a new colony) led by a commander. Get bombarded by the enemy. The commander usually dies within a week.
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[3.10.4 Beta] - Commanders die quickly to orbital bombardment, but not ground combat
Game Version
[3.10.4 Beta]
What version do you use?
Paradox Launcher
What expansions do you have installed?
Utopia, Distant Stars, Ancient Relics, Federations
Do you have mods enabled?
Please explain your issue is in as much detail as possible.
I fought ground combats in a war with my stack of ~20 assault armies led by a commander and they didn't die during about a month of ground combat. However, I then landed those armies on a friendly planet, which after a few months of losing the war came under bombardment. The leader died within a week. Enemy transports eventually then arrived in the system. I hired a new leader for the army as they neared the planet. The leader died from bombardment before the enemy armies landed.
Steps to reproduce the issue.
Enter war. Have one of your planets with 10+ assault armies (I didn't have any defensive armies since it was a new colony) led by a commander. Get bombarded by the enemy. The commander usually dies within a week.
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