
Stormgate Dev Tracker

30 Jan


Originally posted by Commercial_Papaya_79

did you sign up for the kickstarter? i was about to do it over the weekend but got busy with family

Oh, I work for Frost Giant Studios. We hope to see you in the game!


Originally posted by kdawgnmann

Hey man, thanks for the reply, appreciate the clarification. I haven't looked too deeply into this game aside from a few headlines here and there, but this gets me interested.

You're welcome! You can check out where we're at so far for free next week during Steam Next Fest (Feb 5-12). If you don't like PvP, I recommend you check out our 3P co-op vs. AI mode. We won't have any campaign content in the public Steam Next Fest beta build, but the team is working on it!


Originally posted by kdawgnmann

It’s meant for e-sporters

As someone who loved SC1/2 campaigns and really just wants more SC story content, this is the biggest turnoff I've read yet

Frost Giant guy here--the above is incorrect. While we love competitive players, our game is absolutely aimed squarely at players who crave new RTS campaign/story content. We plan to tell an ongoing story with new campaign chapters released several times a year. Campaign is one of our main game pillars, alongside Co-op, Competitive, and Custom Games (our powerful new RTS editor for maps, mods, and custom games will be released as part of the client).


Originally posted by 8Cupsofcoffeedaily

I think the problem with these games is really I can’t imagine anything ever touching StarCraft 2 quality. It’s like a giant mic drop on the genre

Our team takes it as a huge compliment that the number one game people compare Stormgate to is... the last game many of our core team members worked on, StarCraft 2. We love it too and we hope people continue playing SC2 forever. It's definitely an interesting position to be in when you're competing with your own last project!

That said, we weren't ready to stop making RTS games and we want to continue giving the RTS community new things to play--new units, new heroes, new stories, new game modes, a new editor, etc. Our commitment to RTS and our passion for developing RTS games is why we broke off from Blizzard and formed a new studio. Players have been waiting long enough.

Yes--it'll absolutely take us a long time to match what was achieved with SC2--Wings of Liberty alone was in development for 7 years, let alone what went into HOTS and LOTV. That said, we've built an incredible foundation for the future of RTS with our SnowPlay technology and we're excited about...

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Originally posted by GermanRedditorAmA

I think there's a reason RTS have become less popular and game design wise I see no real innovation, so I don't know what the point of this game is. Seems like a quality SC2 mod with new races. Will still definitely try it though and hope to be surprised.

The leap forward coming from our SnowPlay tech may be of interest to you? We're 3x as responsive as SC2 as measured by tick rate/Hz (most RTS games are 8-tick, SC2 is considered best-in-class at 16-tick, Stormgate is 64-tick). For many, what makes an RTS fun to play is how responsive it is, where it feels snappy and satisfying to control your units.

Our tech allows us to also do things like implement Rollback--something that's done wonders for online fighting games.

Check out what we've been up to during Steam Next Fest--we're opening up access to our beta (1v1 and 3P co-op vs. AI) so that people can experience it for themselves.

Originally posted by sgthombre

I saw a preview video about this game where they said that the third faction was going to be anime waifus and I legit couldn't tell if the guy was doing a bit or not.

It's a just a running joke.

Anime cat girls will be our fourth faction, not our third.

29 Jan


Originally posted by Tennda

Thanks for the response, Monk!

What if the two fiends spawn with full white health if you split but spawn without white health if you don't? I think that could get us to that 10-20% advantage.

yep, something like that!


Originally posted by Tennda

Really disappointed by the brute changes. Having to manually pop each brute to spawn fiends felt like one of the best mechanics in the game.

We made this change because the previous iteration of the Brute/Fiend mechanic felt extremely binary (100% benefit vs 0% benefit = 100% difference) due to how much of the Brute's power was gated behind whether you could hit the Z button on time. We found this approach to be extremely unfriendly to newer players, especially as a core mechanic on a tier 1 unit. Many playtesters internally could literally not play our game because the early-game was balanced around this mechanical skillcheck, and this is not the direction we want to head towards for an approachable game. Instead, we want the skill expression of this ability to be focused on the decision-making, i.e. when you decide to split your Brutes rather than if you can split them on time.

We considered a few options to address this including on-death you gain 1 fiend (100% vs 50% benefit = 50% difference) and on-death you gain 2 fiends (100% benefit vs near-100% benefit = 0% difference). We primarily went with the 2-Fien...

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Originally posted by Tricky_Albatross5433

How will this work? Mail? Still didn't receive invite for discord, i pledge deluxe.

You will be contacted after the campaign ends (Feb 1)!


Originally posted by Commercial_Papaya_79

are there specific games that the 7800x3d performs well with? or does it help with allll games?

i just play wow, lost ark, hots, sc2, no fps, no real AAA games. i might play stormgate when it comes out.

is the x3d part worth it for me over the non-x3d variant?

Looking forward to seeing you in Stormgate! <3

20 Jan


Back when I was a game reviewer, the “value” metric was always a tough nut to crack. Portal is one of my absolute favorite games of all time and I finished it in a single sitting.

I’ve recently played a few AAA games that offered hundreds of hours of potential gameplay and I never picked them up again after they failed to grab me in the first hour. (Not naming names.)

For Stormgate, we aim to deliver campaign chapters that are fun to play, that deepen players’ connections to our universe, and that we hope most walk away from feeling like they got a good value.

We’ll be relying heavily on community feedback once we get our initial missions out for testing during Early Access and—largely because of our team’s experience with campaign and their passion for storytelling—I’m confident that together we’ll iterate and polish and build something really fun.

19 Jan


Originally posted by Wraithost

The worst case for me would be if they compromise quality for more quantity...

I really agree with that.

Also I think that a discount for buying several chapters at once is likely.

Can confirm: we are planning to offer bundle pricing.


Originally posted by Augustby

Hey Gerald, thanks for sharing FG's thoughts!

I'm still worried about the sense of pacing (given how Nova Covert Ops made me feel); but I'm happy to give you folks the benefit of the doubt!

In the meantime, I have a very strong request: in whatever future bundles you offer, can you please make it so that we can buy multiple campaign chapter packs at a discount, even if those chapters aren't out yet?

Where I'm from, the exchange rate is such that I'm paying a little over $15 for each mission pack, and it's quite a lot (and it's worse in other countries). So I'd happily buy (for example) Infernals campaign Chapters 1-3 in a discounted bundle.

The reason why I ask for these bundles to include Chapters not-yet-released is because I'm very excited for Stormgate and will likely be on the subreddit and Discord frequently. I want to play Chapters and discuss the story as soon as they come out, not wait for a year for a bundle to release (before which I'd...

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Thanks for reading and for supporting our team!

We hear your request regarding pre-purchase bundle pricing. Thanks for sharing your situation and perspective—we’ll keep you posted!


Originally posted by DrBurn-

Thanks for your commitment to producing content for years to come. Maybe I’m the minority, but I personally don’t mind the prices (I already spend 5-10$ dollars a day on coffee, sigh lol). Looking forward to supporting you guys and enjoying the content whenever it’s released.

Thanks so much for your support! <3


Originally posted by Otherwise_Mud_69

I agree. Though im fine with 3 missions, i just wont be willing to play all missions at $10 per pack. Unless they do campaign bundles once a large series of them come out.

I would much rather play $5-8 per pack

In case you missed it, we are planning to offer bundle pricing.


Hey, folks—just dropping in to let you know we’re reading your feedback. We have always been transparent with our development plans and we will continue to do the same by keeping you fully informed about how we’re planning to produce and deliver content.

From the beginning, we’ve shared that our past experience with transitioning StarCraft II to free-to-play was the starting point for how we will sustain Stormgate’s ongoing development. The tentative price point we shared on Kickstarter is similar to the StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops campaign, which was also sold in packs of three missions for $7.50 USD.

F2P was very successful for SC2—development was sustainable and it greatly increased the total number of players enjoying the game.

We love storytelling at Frost Giant and have high hopes for our episodic campaign content. Direct comparisons don’t really fit here, though—we aren’t making a box model game like Wings of Liberty, which launched with a lengthy c...

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I posted the first round of our planned responses! We have lots of topics to get through, so thank you for your patience.

18 Jan

Originally posted by DependentRepublic715

I dont like any harm to animals, so instead of cats and dogs can we have a human scout? 

Would it be OK with you if it ran around on all fours?

15 Jan


Stormgate will have a powerful new editor. I can't think of any other RTS games coming out that are also going all-in on an editor & custom games.

13 Jan


Originally posted by nicklePie

Will frost giant email us a steam code?

At the end of the Kickstarter campaign, backers who pledged to receive Wave 1 beta access will receive their onboarding link to receive their Steam code and invite to the Discord.