Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Dev Tracker

11 Sep


Originally posted by KrloYen

I was just trying to be funny, ignore the other guy!

Oh, I get ya. Haha


Originally posted by KrloYen

Can you draw a picture of the rework? Thanks.

I'm bummed I'm not living up to your expectations. I only have power over my tiny slice of the production, but I'll get off Reddit for a while to try and focus on doing what I do the best I can. Hope that helps


Originally posted by [deleted]


I draw the pictures. I can get back to doing that.


Originally posted by Goroman86

Never apologize for your great shit-posting

Haha, ok, sorry about that


Originally posted by TheFatalWound

Can't pay you with big cookie, is exposure cookie okay?

No cookie, no monster

Come back when you get the dough


Originally posted by CrazyGunnerr

You work for cookies?

Is this you?