Today is THE DAY!
The Creators vs Devs Speed GAC will kick off around 3:45PM PT.
Please tune in to whichever streamer (or all of them!) you want to follow as the action unfolds.
Also, I'm excited announce that The ... Read more
- Nauros
- Joebo720
- crzydroid
But what month is "this" to be interpreted as? That's the real question.
Just re-read the post at the start of every month...
- Acymetric
- LordDirt
- SemiGod
- Jpfit262
But will we actually find out anything? Or will it be like the gear post where we get told a bunch of things but of said things only half happen?
They’ll probably reveal the next gl and make it need 2 conquest characters to be usable.
At R9
Those are just the requirements to read the road ahead. 😉
- SemiGod
Sometime before 2094
I thought it meant multiple instances of the disk wouldn't stack
^ This!
The updated description now includes support characters (previously, the description only mentioned healers). However, the functionality itself hasn't changed.