Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic Dev Tracker

22 Sep

Hey all,

Coming in 6.1.4 are a number of anti-toxicity measures that Chris outlined in his post here. Please use this thread to share your feedback on them, especially if you try any of them on PTS!
  • What is your feedback on backfilling in Solo Ranked now prioritizing the same role as the one that left along with increasing the penalties for leaving?
  • What is your feedback on the removal of vote kick from Ranked PvP?
  • What is your feedback on Ranked PvP now requiring iLvl 306 in order to queue?
  • What is your feedback on the addition of Legacy ignore?
Hop on the PTS and share your thoughts with us!


Below the list of the known issues you may experience while testing the Feast of Prosperity event on PTS.
  • The conversations with Duuba and Gaboorga for the introductory mission will play, but will not look as intended.
  • The daily "Cooking: Jellied Glowshroom Stew" Mission may become blocked. If it does, use the kitchen door to exit and reset the mission.
  • Interacting with the door to enter the "Cantina Rush" (Normal) Mission may not move players inside the phase as intended. If it does, abandon the mission and pick it up again from the terminal.
  • "Cantina Rush" (Normal and Hard) Mission may not complete correctly when players have served enough tables. Use the door to exit the phase.
  • In cooking Missions, ingredients may sometimes despawn or respawn suddenly. This won't affect gameplay.
  • The following Achievements are showing up for level bracket 10-49 when it shouldn't be:
    • Mek-Sha: Defeat Enemies
    • Dantooine...
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Hi TheFenux,

Thank you for the report concerning the Je'daii Warrior's Chestpiece arm shield plates.

Our team is currently tracking this bug. For now, there is no information. I'll update you here when I know more.

21 Sep

Hi Devekowy,

As mentioned in this thread: Cartel Points Don´t Show, our team is currently looking into it.

For now, there is no additional information. Do not hesitate to follow the thread above as I will update players there.
Hi iTomCpps,

Thanks for your report. The issue with the character transfer should be fixed now.
Hi all,

Thanks for the different reports concerning the Cartel Coins bug.

Our team is currently investigating that. I'll update you when I know more.
Hi AndrewAlberts,

Thanks for the report concerning the Maelstrom Prison Flashpoint - Story Mode.

As mentioned in the following thread: Level Sync Broken in Maelstrom Prison, our team is currently tracking this bug.

For now, there is no additional information. I'll update players in the thread above when I have more information.

20 Sep

19 Sep

18 Sep

Hi friends,

With Game Update 6.1.4 we are introducing a new tier of augments to the game, with materials added to our prestige game modes.

For a little background, we try to strike a balance between the right time to introduce new power to chase into the game and respecting your time invested in getting to the current maximum level of gear. We also want to refresh interest in our prestige modes by adding a very clear incentive while we work on the next batch of new content.

We have a few goals here. First, in PvE, it has been several months since Dxun Master Mode released. Top-end guilds have cleared the content and achieved the timed run achievements. Guilds still progressing in Dxun could use a slight boost to help get over the hill of that next boss, and a slight power bump should help. We don�t want progression to stagnate, and we would also like to make it worth people�s time to farm older Master Modes in order to gear up the next batch of recruits... Read more
Hi friends,

As I mentioned in my previous post, I want to chat a bit about toxicity and what actions we�re taking to reduce friction points in the game that can lead to toxic behavior.

In general, our philosophy in regards to toxicity and harassment is there is no room for it in our service. But it�s not quite as simple as �find the toxic people and remove them�, because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Often times folks are just having a bad day, and some friction point in the game rules or mechanics can exacerbate this and lead to a negative or harmful social experience.

So we have to take a bit of a holistic approach to toxicity, and remain committed to improving the game and the service over time across several avenues.


As a member of the Fair Play Alliance, EA is committed to providing a safe space to play where all are welcome. As part of this, toxicity and harassment actions that the Customer Service ... Read more

16 Sep

Hi all,

I wanted to communicate some changes we are making to guard for 6.1.4 that are going to be live on PTS soon. We�ve heard your feedback about Guarding in PVP and we are hoping to address some of those concerns with this change.

We�ve added a 50% damage penalty to DPS disciplines while they are guarding allies. The full text of the new DPS guard is:
�While active, the guarded player takes 5% less damage and generates 25% less threat. In addition, so long as you remain within 15 meters of the guarded player, 50% of all incoming damage from enemy players is transferred back to you.
You deal 50% less damage while guarding.�

All this means is that while you guard allies as a DPS discipline, you do less damage while you are guarding that ally. It�s worth noting that this only applies to the DPS disciplines, Tank disciplines do not suffer this penalty and can freely guard as usual with no penalty.

... Read more
Hi all!

I wanted to take a moment and give some insight into the upcoming Conquest system updates you can expect to see with 6.1.4. As always, the following information is subject to change. Let�s dive in!

Point Rebalance
One of the biggest changes coming with 6.1.4 and Conquests is an across the board point rebalance. We are taking a deeper look at Objective time and effort, ensuring that those objectives which might take a longer time to complete or have a higher complexity in order to complete will feel as equally rewarding as some of the less time intensive objectives.

We took a thorough look at every Conquest objective and balanced their final points through emphasizing objective time to complete, complexity, and repeatability. The result is an abundance of Conquest points for some of the most complex and/or time intensive objectives, lesser points for marginal time and effort objectives, and an even scale for those objectives in... Read more

15 Sep

14 Sep

12 Sep

11 Sep