Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

12 Nov


Hmm, do you think this is related to my match history bug? It keeps showing 8ths when I'm obviously getting 1st every game.

11 Nov


Fixed next patch (Ziggs +5 AD)

10 Nov


Originally posted by PapaNade

Is Double Up coming to live with this patch? It's honestly one of the most fun experiences I've had in TFT


09 Nov


Originally posted by justintoronto

I'm very nervous about balance changes in this set. game seems so good right now so i hope they only buff some of the low-performing augments and wait for more information.

So are we--- which is why we're being careful. Gizmos & Gadgets has released to a fairly balanced state, so instead of doing a mid-week patch (which is traditional after a set's release), our devs have taken more time with patch 11.23 to ensure the changes have a positive impact.

Edit: 11.23 notes go live Tuesday the 16th, with the patch going live the day after.

08 Nov


Originally posted by united0002

The only thing about this is the TFT team is way to small and have a big backlog of suggested updates. By small i mean the whole TFT team is only 12 people. Mobile is still a big priority for them as this where the new players are coming from.

Amazing idea and hopefully some time could be dedicated to it.

TFT UX lead here! The *design team* (most of whom work on sets) was around 12 (now it's about 14), but there's a lot more people on TFT. We have many more artists, engineers, QA, and production staff.

06 Nov

04 Nov


This is awesome! I love gaming set ups. Hope double up brings more fun for you both!

03 Nov


Originally posted by OllieNotAPotato

Have you had any reports of sound bugs on mobile ? (certain sound channels don't start eg. No attack sounds, or no voices or no music etc.) , not sure where is best to report tft bugs

Interesting. It just stays like that permanently for you?

Can you try to relog and see if it still happens?


We're currently working on fixing it. Pass is available on PC atm.

Edit: Issue is fixed!


Originally posted by trixon221

So I should be able to buy it now yey

We ran into snags, currently working on getting it live.


Worth noting that we increased each Star Shard reward on the BP to 100, which on the previous passes would've been equal to 3 separate levels of 30 each. We have 4 of those, so that would've been equivalent to 12+ levels in the Set 5 Pass, but is just 4 here.

Also, we have the level 1 booms in the level 0 of the BP, which would've been included in separate levels as well.

Edit: For all of you asking about the BP not being available currently, we are currently working on getting it online, we ran into some snags last minute :)

Edit 2: Now up on PC.

Edit 3: Now should be up on Mobile.

29 Oct


Originally posted by RiotGreenTeej

I'll pay you $3.50 to make more

Oh boy here we go.


Originally posted by Zorksus

It would've cost you $0 to not make this.

I would've paid you at least $2 to not make this.

I'll pay you $3.50 to make more

15 Oct


You sure this doesn't say Tahm Kench is Gluten-free?

Diets these days amirite?

16 Sep


Originally posted by Firedrakez

I really hope cinematics stay focused around LL and won't include any Chibi Champs. Any info on that? Sorry if you're not the person to ask.

That's the plan so far at least. We haven't got any further than the Set 6 video, that one's LLs + regular champs just like previous ones though certainly

15 Sep


Originally posted by heyboyhey

It seems they are a separate thing from LLs so they can probably keep the current ones in ARAM without allowing the chibis.

Yep. LLs will still be on ARAM. Chibi Champions are not LLs and will not be allowed on ARAM right from the start.


Originally posted by _Trixrforkids_

What are your thoughts on the last round of every stage (i.e 2-5 3-5) you and your teammate combine boards, given 2 minutes to prepare and have potentially 18 vs 18 units fighting?

Obviously huge balance issues but that's something I've never seen done in any other auto battler which could be unique to TFT

Depending on how our explorations with this mode go we could certainly be open to trying other takes on teamplay. For now though we want to start with something that's pretty close to the core TFT experience already on offer, see how that lands, iterate from there.


Originally posted by Omnilatent

But this is competitive only? So nothing for regular client/player?


We are only creating spectator for competitive only as of right now.


Originally posted by Omnilatent

I hope we get high elo spectate, too

Just to get it taken from us for no f**king reason couple seasons later as is tradition ;_;

Esports Camera / Spectator for competitive events is still on track for the Reckoning finals! Sorry for not including it in the video!