Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

17 Jun


Originally posted by Castelluna

Tried doing this mission yesterday twice, relogged multiple times but still having issues with completion.

Also, what region you in?


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

omg i got it! thanks!! i was playing on PC

i guess there is a big delay in getting it in my game. so i have to wait for i receive the reward and start next missions

Glad to hear it worked for you!

Yeah, there's been some weirdness around missions delaying lately that we're trying to get to the root of.


Originally posted by Castelluna

Tried doing this mission yesterday twice, relogged multiple times but still having issues with completion.

Damn, okay.

Do you know exactly the time when you played/had this happen so I can guide you to grab those logs to send on over to us?

If not, if you run into this issue again please note the time you were playing and send me a message so I can get some logs from you.

Mobile or PC?


Originally posted by Prestigious_Tangelo8

I relogged but it did not give me the mission still. This happened yesterday

If it happens again for you, please send me a message as I'd like to get some logs from you to help us trouble shoot.

Sorry to hear that it didn't complete on relog, we're looking into it currently

Edit: PC or Mobile?


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

please tell me what am i doing wrong.
1. Image 1 - here i have 60 gold and a 2 star Kled

  1. Image 2 - here i have 50 gold and a 2 star Kled

  2. Image 3 - here i have 59 gold and i sold the 2 star Kled

why the missions are not completing? something wrong in the way am i understanding it (english is not my first language) shall i check after 1 hour or so?

That mission should definitely be completing in this case, you're not misunderstanding.

After your next game with 50g or more, can you relog and see if the mission completes for you?

Are you on PC or Mobile?


The two missions that are up simultaneously should be completable at the same time.

We've had some mission completion issues today and yesterday. Usually relogging fixes this (make sure it's a min after the game) as it fetches new mission data for your account.

Please let me know if you're sure you finished the mission, and that doesn't actually trigger it!


Originally posted by Starfiredemon

i know u feel feel like i am dumb but i am telling truth. i did this

okay what to do, i will try again

Also, after the game finishes, give it a minute and then relog to fetch fresh mission data. That usually does it, we've been having some weirdness around mission completion yesterday and today. Let me know if that doesn't work!


Hey friends, missions have been completing a bit weirdly on and off yesterday and today. If the mission hasn't completed a few minutes after the game has ended you should relog.

What relogging does is forcefully get the mission data, so it should show up as completed at that point.

Sorry for the inconvenience. If you do not have this get completed after relogging, please let me know!

16 Jun


Originally posted by Hefaystos

Man you expect me to read that?

cause I did

04 Jun



Congrats! I also really want to hit Hyper Tier by end of set!

27 May



25 May


Originally posted by Zanakii

I find it funny, does everyone see this or just the winner?


24 May


We haven't been able to fix this yet, but if you were curious why this happens, it is because you're moving to your actual board (which moves the camera) while the victory camera is starting, resulting in absolute camera chaos.

20 May


Wow. This prompted me to measure mine, and sure enough it’s 28x18. Seems like merch got their dimensions wrong 😓

15 May


Originally posted by CounterfeitCast

Do you mean by this the spectator mode won't be useable outside of Riot either from friends list or custom (unranked) lobby?

If so, that's bitterly disappointing as a TFT tournament organiser, as I'd need to continue to rely on player streams to commentate the competitions I'm running, and would be a huge detriment to TFT grassroots competition of all sizes.

I really hope I'm wrong here because otherwise there seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of why people having been asking for a spectator and what that would entail.

As it stands it seems like those calls are being interpreted as "we want this so Riot broadcasts can be better", rather than the more straightforward "I want to be able to watch my friend's game" and from TOs like myself "I want to be able to practically broadcast a TFT event without relying on twitch streams and cameras out of my control."

To clarify, what I'd be hoping for at minimum would be the ability to be a spectator ...

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What you described is our intent, we aim to provide a way to practically broadcast a TFT event without relying on the player's viewpoint.

A tool for tournament organizers. Sometimes that is Riot, and other times that is another organization. The exact details on how we roll this out to be used by Tournament organizers are still TBD as we are first focusing on getting the feature up and running :D!

12 May


Originally posted by KinglyO

Thanks for the reply! Cool to know you also worked on the onboarding for LoR, I was wondering about that but didn’t want my question to be too crowded!

Awesome to hear you’ve got resources to do user testing, it really is crucial IMO.

Are there plans to implement the team builder on PC? Given there’s so many web tools I can see why not, but not everyone has a second monitor/a pc that can alt tab reasonably quickly.

Another question. Since the new shadow items require a bit more knowledge (studying? exposure?) to grasp than other set mechanics, did you guys have a conversation about including a mini-tutorial for that in-game? I know mort is trying to avoid introducing things that might help each set get solved quicker (tysm for taking this stance /u/riot_mort <3 ), but I’m curious if there was conversation about the trade offs between trying to get people over the hump with understanding a foreign set (especially on mobile where...

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Putting Team Builder on PC isn't on the current roadmap, but it's something I believe we should do as soon as we add more features to it. Long term, I want to put both the tutorial and the Team Builder on PC. :)

For shadow items, no, we didn't much discuss onboarding, and imo, I do not think a playable tutorial is necessary for set mechanics. I would be 100% open to having a better set introduction, though. Maybe a popup or a mini-slideshow with some quick highlights on the new mechanic would be a welcome addition.


Originally posted by ShirooChan

Have you guys ever tried to implement a patch wherein when you right click an item to see the item list, you could then hover to the item itself to see the details of the item? I'm a pretty casual player and that's definitely one of the things I always deal with.

Mort already stole my thunder on this one, but yes, this is coming very soon! (I wanted to ship it with Set 5, but it wasn't ready in time.)


Originally posted by Ou7runna

Are there any plans to make it easier for new players to get into the game? While learning comps becomes a little easier over time, there are so many items and it’s incredibly difficult to understand what to plan for and what works on what champs and in what comps. Especially on mobile where you can’t even see combinations on already equipped items, the learning curve is super high.

Right now, we don't have any specific plans to add more onboarding to TFT. You're right that there is a bit of a learning curve, and I would love to make it a little easier to learn, perhaps by adding more information and features to the Team Planner (which is only on mobile right now). However, that work would likely happen farther in the future.

TFT also has a super cool community, which makes great videos, guides and websites that help new players learn which items are good on which champs. Honestly, most of that stuff is just as good or better than the things we could add to the game.

You should be able to see combinations and recipe hints for equipped items, though! If you tap the champ, and then tap the item in the right-side champion inspect panel, you should see a list of recipe hints, if it's not a full item. If it's a full item, the recipe is shown in the tooltip footer.


Originally posted by Bombabo

What were some of the funniest bugs that you encountered during testing?

Set 3 Riven being able to deal damage to little legends will always be my favorite bug of all time.