Teamfight Tactics

Teamfight Tactics Dev Tracker

12 May


Originally posted by 328382943

Have you fixed the bug where when selling champions with a spatula item they keep the trait?

Are you working on making it so when you check enemy champion's abilities they don't only show the 1 star value or is that low priority?

Yep, we fixed the spatula bug! We should really fix the other one too.


Originally posted by Due_Cartoonist4290

It would be nice to just pop in a friend’s game and spectate and talk with them about it, instead of having to do something like streaming it with discord. But I understand it probably takes a lot of work for something that wouldn’t be very useful

Thank you for the feedback! We will keep this in mind after we get the esports version out!


Originally posted by Carryusdarius

I appreciate you answering… but doesn’t this feel even a little bad to have to say? Riot’s been around the block with mobile now, Wild Rift’s utter excellence is a sign of that. TFT mobile didn’t exactly launch yesterday, it launched over a year ago? Seems really bummer that even if you can’t make a full-blown app for tablets, having basic graphics options that are “change at your own risk” is a reasonable thing to expect by now.

At any rate, no flame, no judgment - I appreciate you, but this is a wee bit less than I expected by this time, exacerbated by how top notch Wild Rift is - which I 100% understand is an unfair comparison where that game was made for mobile from inception.

It does feel bad, we do sincerely wish we could have gotten to a lot of what you mentioned by now, this is one of many for us. But I hope we can get you some of these features as soon as we can!


Originally posted by PeterPetrik

Hi guys ! I love the game on mobile but it's far from polished in my opinion,there is no match history which feels really bad,l so my question is - Are you planning to do any QoL or UI changes on mobile version of TFT or the game will stay the same for uncertain time ?

There is a problem where if you get matched with PC players in a lobby you almost never get a chance to compete for top 1 because of inability to quickly sell champions from the bench. Can you add something like double tap on champion on the bench to quickly sell him or something like that ?

Hey Peter, thanks for the questions. I totally agree with you, TFT mobile is still in a pretty minimal, basic state, and we are definitely planning QoL and UI improvements there.

So when it comes to things that are high APM, like rolling down, the reality is that there is always going to be a very slight disadvantage on mobile, but in my opinion, it's not very significant. We see mobile players at the highest ranks in all regions! When it comes to quickly selling champs on mobile though, we could add an option in the future for choosing whether you sell to the corners, or sell by dragging directly downwards. Double tap is hard to disambiguate from single tap and from drag, so that one may be a bit tricky, but there's some other things we could try, like maybe adding a sell button to the champ inspect panel.


Originally posted by Riot_nicolo

Do you plan to keep doing an awesome job and keep supporting TFT for years, if not decades to come?

<3 You bet! Decades with an emphasis on the S!


Originally posted by Ayz1533

Random question. Lux doesn't appear to benefit from a standard Ruunan's when it comes to her ult. Is this intended?

Yes this is intended. Ruunan's only procs "On hits" where as Lux's ability is an "On attack". We do believe we need to make this difference more clear, but that's the logic currently behind it.


Originally posted by SNES-1990

Is there a non zero chance we'll see chosen return in a future set?

Non-Zero? Yea it could come back someday.

Likely any time soon? Very unlikely.


Originally posted by DazBrakomir

A hot dog is most definitely a sandwich. It's primary delivery mechanism is bread, which is its main qualifier. You might be saying to yourself "But Daz.. a hot dog is only one single piece of hinged bread, not two separate slices". While you would be accurate in thinking this, I will point you to exhibit A.. The Lobster Roll.. it uses the same delivery mechanism of a single piece of hinged bread, yet is clearly accepted as a sandwich.

It is not a Sandwich, it is a Taco. If the bread is connected, it is not two slices thus not a sandwich BUT as soon as your 0.99c poor quality Hot Dog wrap rips, you just transitioned into a hot dog sandwich. Just like a Choco Taco is a Taco, even though it's filled with ice cream.

I will accept calling it a "sub"


Originally posted by screamssss

Will there ever be a way for mobile users to see what a character’s spell does before buying them? You can do this on PC by hovering over them in the shop but right now for mobile you have to buy the unit or just know. I feel like it could be done by adding an icon onto the units in the shop like an eye or an info button that, when pressed, opens a little box that has the description explaining the spell

That's not something we are currently planning, but I like your idea. We could definitely look at doing something like that for mobile in the future.


Originally posted by Glitterkrieger

Which Choncc is the best?



Originally posted by noctghost

What made you decide to go for a Sets approach instead of an ever evolving set (like HS Battlegrounds does it)? Have you encounter resistance from the more casual players when suddenly find out they have to learn the game from scratch or have the new sets been better for attracting players overall?

When we were first exploring the auto battler concept, we had thoughts around the core gameplay, and how it feels like a puzzle to be solved and optimized. But we also felt that given enough time, that puzzle would solve out and the game would become stale. In addition, with League of Legends champions and skins, we saw an opportunity to create a wide variety of experiences as opposed to a single experience. The vision of "A space set" and "A good vs evil set" was really inspiring to us, which is why we decided to go with that approach.

Was in a universal win? Nope. We've for sure seen some players be resistant to the idea of learning things over again. But we also don't think trying to be widely generic or appealing is the path to success here, and instead are trying to create the best experience for our dedicated audience, so that TFT players are always happy with the game.

I can't as a designer say for sure which is better, I don't think scientifically there is e...

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Originally posted by bangarrang16

On the celestial game board there's a little purple poro with horns that wanders around. Can i get rid of it?



Originally posted by SpiralRavine

Now that TFT has proven to be the premiere auto-battler by outlasting all of the competition, what are some of the future plans for growth of the game? The genre as a whole seems to have fallen out of popularity: is the death of the competition worrisome, or is it an affirmation of your efforts in creating the best iteration on the market? I'm curious to know how you guys are viewing the landscape now that we're about two years into the genre's lifecycle. Thank you for all the dedication you've put into the game! It's refreshing to see big developers continue on with smaller projects at a time where some games are developed and abandoned within six months.

TFT is thriving, so we are incredibly appreciative of where we are and that 10 million people play and enjoy this game every day!

I think one thing that TFT does uniquely that helps us continue to grow and find success in a sea of strategy game options is our content model! Because of League of Legends, we are able to do something so unique, basically, remove the entire game (champions and traits) and replace it with a brand new look, feel, and gameplay every few months. I still believe this will keep us moving forward! But to your questions around what's next and the landscape overall, I really think it's expanding the TFT core gameplay in many ways to make the gameplay so many people love and bring it to more audiences. From new modes to a better competitive ecosystem, and more will increase the appeal of TFT to a large audience while keeping the core people love today the same!

We the TFT are in this for the long haul, because we believe in the game, and want t...

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Originally posted by waitidgaf

How far along are you on the next set? If not, when does that begin? Just curious how far out the upcoming sets are planned.

The first paper draft is done, and the team has begun implementing some of the champs and traits. Every day a new GIF or clip is posted in our design channel of "This new champ is done, here's what it does.". Typically we're not more than one set ahead right now, though we aim to be some day!


Originally posted by ShirooChan

Have you guys ever tried to implement a patch wherein when you right click an item to see the item list, you could then hover to the item itself to see the details of the item? I'm a pretty casual player and that's definitely one of the things I always deal with.

Coming very VERY VERY soon ;)


Originally posted by Riot_nicolo

Do you plan to keep doing an awesome job and keep supporting TFT for years, if not decades to come?

That's the plan until Riot decides to get rid of me...

But for real, our hope is that TFT is going to be around for a long time and figuring out ways to make sure that is true is an exciting challenge to solve. Whether it be through innovation of sets, modes, cosmetics, or something completely unexpected...its such a wide field of possibility that I'm confident we have lots we can cook up!


Originally posted by QueenKisses

Hi Riot, so I love League, TFT, Valo and everything that you release and will release of course. But I have one query and that is for the current update for TFT, don't you think you're making the Coven comp too weak now? I mean our Coven girlies are nerfed ok, but also nerfing the whole Coven synergy... don't you think it will make them ummm underwhelming now?

Thank you and more power to all of you at Riot <3

We think Coven will be just fine. You still have a champ that lowers AD by 40%, a champ with a big AOE CC, and backline access stuns, who all together give 60 AP to a champ of your choice AND fuel them mana. I don't think they are going anywhere despite the nerfs.


Originally posted by Glitterkrieger

Which Choncc is the best?

Bee Choncc or Panda Choncc!


Originally posted by RiotGreenTeej

I'd say combined at least 200 years of developer experience



Originally posted by findmenextdoor

Gunmay here, 2x retiree and the absolute beacon of positivity in the TFT community (trust).

I actually have a real question, when y'all scrap a set mechanic what kind of discussion do you do when it comes to maybe keeping certain aspects of a mechanic for the future sets and introduce it as a part of the core game mechanics? I'm asking because I think that after Reckoning is gone and Shadow Items are gone with it, I still think the part of the set mechanic where we're allowed to pick an item on stage x-2 is fantastic and has opened up for a lot more options through the whole game and I'd personally love to see that be part of the core game as the game moves onto the next set.

I think for example there is stuff like with Set 2 elemental hexes incentivized positioning tradeoffs for power which introduced more positioning mind games and made certain items go up in value like Zephyr and stuff like that is something I wish we would of seen more off, even if it was "remad...

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For the most part, its about the complexity of the game as a whole and the nature of the next set. For example, we were pretty positive on Lucky Lanterns and Consumables and could see those sticking around...but with Reckoning being so high on complexity we were worried about consumables also being around at launch.

For the armory specifically, we knew players (especially highly engaged and competitive players) would love the agency they bring...but that also doesn't mean its good long term if it just leads to more forcing. We have some long term ideas what to do with the Armory, but for now it's too early to make a call about it's long term viability in TFT.