
Terraria Dev Tracker

05 Dec


Originally posted by Seb_The_One


The guy who made the game is a huge troll and gets a lot of satisfaction when traps kill players. Just gotta watch your step more 🤣



12 Aug

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JustAGamerPerson

He wasn't made by any of the main development team (at least, that's what I remember). Ocram was made by a guy called Marco. He was removed because he wasn't considered a good boss. Unbalanced, and in general, just not good. Also, lore.

Pretty much this. He was never approved by Re-Logic and we did not feel he was a good fit for our design. We want to eventually attempt cross-play and the first step in doing that is reaching parity between consoles and pc. :)

11 Aug

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DarkVoid_666

Cool,but will you remove Ocram?


    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

To clarify, we will not be releasing console on 8/25. Submission process can take anywhere from a week to a month. :)

17 Jun

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is my new favorite thing. <3

30 May

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ScarletteVera

Key words: "for now"

we're onto your tricks

Shh! :P

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by NuclearNewspaper

Terraria otherworld confirmed???????

That game is super dead and we are not about to zombie it.

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Mineturtleprime

You probably receive a lot of requests for additions to terraria Cenxx, however it’s been bothering me how there isn’t an option to dye hair multiple colors (ex: brown with red highlights).

I love a good ombré as much as the next person buuuut.... we are done updating Terraria! :P

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BlackDiamondz

Aw okay, I just love terraria, so as far as I'm concerned any other games by re-logic are masterpieces until proved otherwise. If you do go public with it, post it on this sub so we can play it too :D

Appreciate the support! If we ever feel like one of our jams is worth the time of our community we will definitely post it somewhere. :)

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BlackDiamondz

Where can I find the game you guys made for the jam? Did you all work together on one, or did you split up?

It isn’t something we intend to release, it is more for internal purposes. :)

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CreativeGamer03

Nah. You improved it :D


    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sarcovis

What exactly is game jam? And is it possible to view dev teams working on games from start to finish?

A game jam is rapid development of a game then you move on. This game has a one week time limit and was meant to stress test our programmers skills in Unity.

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JSAvo16

Are we going to get all the content the same on all platforms? Or at least the zenith

Yep. We expect to have the current version of Terraria available to all within the next few months. :)

29 May

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheOnlyCursedOne

I love the game my dude, you guys are a legend, do you have any idea when will console get an update?

Within the next few months. Before of end of Q3 for sure. :)

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Yiphix

Cenxx! Your game has been a positive force in my life for half a decade. Thank you and thanks to the rest of the dev team for such an integral part of my life.

Thank you so much! <3

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by -lyte-

1.4 was a lot of minor updates that turned into a major one, so I’ll take what you say with a grain of salt.

Fair enough. :P

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

So I will say we are definitely done with major (but what about minor?) content updates for now. Last week our team completed their very first game jam and I am super excited about it! We have a lot of ideas for our next project, it will be hard to pick just one. Did I ruin the meme?

17 May


Originally posted by henryyoutubexd

Hi i have a question, can you bring back the old-gen content to Terraria?

No - content that is gone isn't likely to come back.