
Terraria Dev Tracker

17 May


Originally posted by MysticGotenks

What was everyone’s favorite game growing up?

Zelda and Secret of Mana.


Originally posted by FrostyCeph

Is it pronounced Terr-air-E-uh, or Terr-arr-E-uh

More like the first.


Originally posted by Zaception

Kind of a lame question to ask but I have always loved cosmetics in games so, what are some of your favorite vanity items/sets? (other than your own of course)

I love the Halloween sets and the Journey's End vanity contest winners stuff :)


Originally posted by Rings___

How would you guys feel about a Terraria character in Super Smash Bros?

Dryad, let's make it happen!


Originally posted by TheRealKingslayer51

Question to any of the devs:

What is the correct pronunciation of the title?

It sure as heck isn't Tuhrawreeya, right Chippy?


Originally posted by Cazata98

Why don't silver bullets have bonus damage against werewolves like the stake launcher does to vampires?

That is a great question.


Originally posted by Silient_Ghillie

When will we get the 10th anniversary update on console version cant wait for 1.4 on console btw

Don't know. Sometime after you get 1.4 later this year.


Originally posted by Ender_Oksam

Are you guys moving to unity for the next projects you're making?

Yeah, it seems like we will be using Unity if we make another game.


Originally posted by DayLightSensor

What class does each one of you prefer?



Originally posted by RazerBlazerYT

To any developers that want to answer: What is your favourite boss? This can include ones that were removed such as Ocram or Lepus.

And thank you for making one of my favourite games ever made!

Duke Fishron and EoL


Originally posted by Gracosef

How are you guys doing during this pandemic ?

Fortunately we all work remotely so the pandemic has not effected our work schedule.


Originally posted by Gracosef

How are you guys doing during this pandemic ?

We were successfully doing remote work before quarantine - so no change really in our day to day work. Our team is small but spread all over the world. The dev team was pretty motivated to get an update out for all of the humans stuck at home during quarantine - they worked some pretty long hours, was impressive.


Originally posted by ShadowBlade8192

So a couple months ago in a state of the game post there was a possible crossplay between pc console and mobile. Is there an update to the situation about it? Just wondering if its worth investing in other platforms. Thanks in advance :)

Will be explored after everyone reaches content parity.


Originally posted by AVeryGenericRedditor

Hey Re-Logic, do ya'll plan on adding in-built mod support instead of just having tMod Loader?

Nope, TML is great filling in for that.


Originally posted by Sufferoid

Arguably the most important question:

Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?

Crunchy. I like to put it in my Ramen.


Originally posted by somebagle

What happened to throwing? It was a good idea but past hard mode you dont see many throwing items past hardmode

Zenith plus throwing was too OP.

Thus throwing had to go.

RIP Throwing. Gone, but not forgotten.


Originally posted by Vinydiamond

Not too long ago, rumours came out that some Re-Logic folk were going to help on the Calamity Mod. Is this true? And if so, what are they going to be doing in terms of "helping?"

This is false.


Originally posted by gre_gor

@Loki what are some of your daily tasks as the marketing manager, things that are not preparing posts for the community? :)

A lot of things that have to happen behind the scenes in order for things that you can see to happen.

Marketing being only one aspect.

Also pretty much on point for anything and everything in regards to how Re-Logic interacts with any external party.

And then all sorts of secret and random things that I could tell you but then I would have to cast your voodoo doll into the lava.


Originally posted by wendydroid

Is there still really no Otherworld work going on or similar if it's just not called Otherworld anymore? 🙂

No Otherworld work going on. It was cancelled and will stay that way. Other work is going on though ;)


Originally posted by astroninjoYTR

Any plans to update console versions

Console update is in development now. Stay tuned.