
Terraria Dev Tracker

17 May


Originally posted by DRkerdojel

What is the comfiest and the most painfull toilet?

The answer to both is cactus toilet


Originally posted by FortniteGod7392

Will Xbox be getting keyboard and mouse full support in the next update? Also when is the next update coming out for Xbox

Keyboard/mouse will come out for consoles, eventually. And Journey's End for consoles will likely be Q3 2021


Originally posted by micromac012000

Do you have a release month for console 1.4.2

Console update is in development and we expect to release it Q3 this year.


Originally posted by Groinificator

What are your general thoughts on the official game lore? Are you happy with it or do you think it could have been done a little better?

The minimal amount of lore in the game is really just meant to be a base for the player. Ideally, the player creates their own lore/story/world. Personally, I LOVE reading and watching fan theories and stories based on the basics of Terraria :)


Originally posted by tey_ull

did any of the dev team try any mods, if so which ones, and which where your favorites.

Try? Two of our coders were Terraria modders first!


Originally posted by Vinydiamond

Not too long ago, rumours came out that some Re-Logic folk were going to help on the Calamity Mod. Is this true? And if so, what are they going to be doing in terms of "helping?"

Not that I know of.


Originally posted by muutela

To the one who answers this, when and how did you start working on the game?

Was a player, then a fan, then a moderator, then a community manager... and then what I am now.

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Originally posted by Yanrocker

I love the old 3ds terraria but this version was abandoned do you plan to someday update it to the actual 1.4?

Unfortunately we are not able to continue to support the 3DS. The system was pushed to the max with the current version of Terraria that is on it. It is a hardware issue.


Originally posted by TSCole153

Any idea when to expect the cross play update

I really want to play with friends when I’m the only one on pc

We'll start on cross play once all versions are at parity - so still a ways a way on that. Hang in there.

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Originally posted by spRNG_

im really interested in knowing why the old mobile/console exclusive items were never added to pc and why there were removed in 1.4?

We don't feel the items met our quality standards or vision for the game so we had them removed.


Originally posted by TheGrandDarkArtist

How many "Meme Packs" did you expect to come out with the update?

And what's a small pack that you'd like to see more attention given to?

A lot?

Wait and see what our next Developer's Choice selections will be.


Originally posted by InternalHemorrhaging

If other weapon classes were to get an equivalent to the Zenith, how would they function?

And is there a possibility that we could get a second vanity item contest in the future?

Ranged Zenith would be this https://i.imgur.com/hXQDq9H.gif

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Originally posted by UnNameableName

Are there any plans with Terraria Otherworld or is that totally dead?

It is dead.


Originally posted by MACARONI_AND_CHEEESE

I mean... someone has to ask what are all of your favorite bosses design-wise and gameplay-wise mine are probably the twins

Also, do you actually enjoy playing your game? I've always wandered if playing a game that you made is boring or if you can still get hooked

Duke Fishron

Absolutely... I was a fan for years before I worked here

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Originally posted by HEYO1573

Who has added the most items to the game?

I am pretty sure Redigit added the most with Yorai being in second.


Originally posted by MemaholicCreeper

What gave you ideas for the designs of developer sets? Also what are some favorite dev sets of yours?

I had two concepts.

One was a riff on Daedric from ES series...

The other was more based off my "suit" set that had a very Daft Punk feel. That one has never been seen.


Originally posted by HorderLock

This can go for any team member, but favorite fan creation from over the years? Can be anything from a drawing, music, animation or mod.

The 10th Art is hard to beat for me.

In game, some of the T-MEC creations still blow my mind.


Originally posted by shaz_is_cool

where were you on the night of august 11th 2009

On a boat

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Originally posted by Ultranator666

Why does the Zoologist, a character that primarily focuses on the kind and gentle treatment of animals, own and sell whips?

I wanna know a canonical answer.

I think we all know the answer to that.


Originally posted by Imgonnamakeagame

hi, what inspired you to make the dev sets look the way they do? if you don't mind me asking

edit: holy cow i did not expect so many answers lol. also thanks for answering :D

Mine was based on a drawing my daughter did of my avatar. The Sun was my icon way back in my Halo days. I didn't want to compete with all of the REALLY COOL wings already in game so Blanket Cape became a thing