
Terraria Dev Tracker

18 Feb


Love it!


Originally posted by 43eyes

Nothing wrong with that. Hopefully you can love what you do and also allow me to put non vanity accessories in my social slots again ♥️



Originally posted by frodothetortoise

The devil works hard but u/redigit works harder

Is this work?


Originally posted by ThinkerRalsei


You've got your money's worth.

You can take a break from the game or play modded.

These are the rules. Everybody fights, nobody quits. If you don’t do your job I’ll kill you myself.


Originally posted by 43eyes

This aged well

Welp. I love what I do.


I could fix this… or, hear me out. You could hit them with Flymeal after the next update to correct the situation. We both know the correct answer.


Did everything? Did you type in “for the worthy” or “not the bees” as a world seed?

Impressive hours btw, I hope you enjoyed every one of them.

15 Feb


Originally posted by Jinxie_h

I would love an accessory or potion that highlights the corruption/crimson blocks. Would really help in stopping the spread.

That’s actually a pretty decent idea

14 Feb


Originally posted by MtnDew_addict


That’s the plan!


Originally posted by The-Doom-Bringer

Gimme those juicy Steam Deck deets

We are mostly trying to get the little things right. Default resolution and UI scale, making sure we have on screen keyboard support for all text entry menus, etc..

We spent a good bit of effort trying to make use of the new control options, too. For example, using the right trackpad as a mouse cursor while being able to move your character with the left joystick. It’s feeling pretty good right now, just got a few more kinks to work out.

12 Feb

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Tripb85

Dear God big fan


    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by New_Ad421

Omg a dev, its pretty cool to see you here :)

Hey there. :)

11 Feb

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by taking_achance

what about Candice

That is the brother of Willis right?


Originally posted by ChristHimself06

a² + b² = i’m scared

That gave me a good laugh

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by adayinthewater

Ok but let's talk about that epic moon lord figurine. You wanna like, tell me where you acquired that and who I have to violently murder to obtain one?

This is a prototype, they will be available for sale later this year.

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by taking_achance

hey cenxx you hear about joe

No but I have heard all about Deez.

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Someone knows how to party!

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JMurray1121

Are you porting the console version to the steam deck or PC to Linux/Steam Deck? (I'm unaware if they're already the same)

It is the PC Linux build.

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Originally posted by RetardedSkeleton

Hey Cenxx I hope your night is going well

Going rather nice so far, thanks! 💚

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Originally posted by CaptainStaraptor

Honestly and I say this as the greatest compliment I’ve ever given

You are the biggest troll I know

Aw, that is so sweet of you. 💚