
Terraria Dev Tracker

17 May


Originally posted by Coolcause

This is to red if he sees it, how did you come up with the idea for the game and do you think it lives up to your original vision in its current state? Also not a question but thanks to you and the rest of the team for such a great game

I wanted a game that I could play with friends. I took elements from many other games that I enjoyed playing like Castlevania, Minecraft, Metroid, Zelda, Dwarf Fortress and Liero. The game has gone above and beyond all expectations.


Originally posted by ApathyDolomite

I have a few questions for Re-Logic in general

  1. What does it take to join Re-logic as an intern or an employee?
  2. When will Terraria 2 be announced?
  3. Will there be any new secret seeds? (such as Oops! all ocean! which has an alt name of Angler's Paradise.)
  1. Almost all of our folks have been sourced from the community after proving they had what it takes to fill a need on the team.

  2. Whenever we felt the time was right?

  3. Never say never.


Originally posted by Hot-Cod-5263

any updates on console 1.4

It is in development - conservatively, it will come out Q3 this year. We'll announce any progress or changes as it gets closer to launch. Hit up that monthly State of the Game :)

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Spoops-

Are you planning to add candice into the game ever?

No. No one likes Candice.


Originally posted by senortrashpanda

What are your personal favourite pets?

Fennec Fox from Traveling Merchant and Propeller Gato from Old Ones Army

    /u/Cenxx on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by gre_gor

Who's the class clown in the dev team, what was his/her best prank? :D

Definitely Redigit. It is a toss up between Stuff Cannon, Land Mines, Dungeon Gaudian and blowing Yorai up with dynamite.


Originally posted by Jaxyn--

can y’all maybe add old mobile controls back?

Won't likely just add back the "old" controls - but they mobile team has added loads of options and customizations that make it very easy to accommodate different play styles


Originally posted by List_Demon

What was the hardest choice during development?

Whether or not to add loot boxes.

Which we did.

In the form of fishing crates.



Originally posted by JMObyx

Hey, I saw your thing about biome torches, and I think they're really cool! However, I think it would be even better implemented if the idea were extended even further, into furniture!

You wouldn't mind making biome specific lighting sources and building pieces, like sandstone fireplace and chimney, and a sandstone fireplace, and the option to have one lit up with biome specific torches that would contribute to torch luck, right? A mudstone brick fireplace sounds pretty nice!

Are you willing to add in "the sling" as a weapon, one that would fire sling stones or even specifically crafted "sling bullets" to fire at enemies? I think it'd be a really useful application of granite.

Speaking of granite, you wouldn't mind adding sphlarelite as a material that has a chance of dropping from Granite enemies, that can be combined with 9 copper ore to create 3 bars of brass? Which could be used to make meteorite swords and bows?

Are you going to make Thorn's Pot...

Read more

Are you suggesting the Furniture God?

Are you mad?!?!


Originally posted by D4rK3r_66

Weird question but: do you guys have some kind of headquarters or do you just work from home? I never really understood how indie companies worked on games.

I work from my top secret brewery hidden away inside of a secret, non-descript bunker.

We all get together every now and again. For pizza.... with pepperoni and pineapple. and games... lots of games.


Originally posted by Swifterpostinmemes

Why were the platform exclusives removed instead or ported to other platforms?

Those were not added by us and never really fit the vision for the game. So, we had to make that call - and we did.

Not saying they were bad or wrong, just done at a very different time and phase of the game... and they don't really have a place anymore.


Originally posted by BigTesticles420

When is 1.4 Journeys End coming to console

Q3 (July-September) 2021


Originally posted by 22578954abc

Ok, I know you said Ocram is dead, but for us console players is there any hope of keeping the Ocram Mask/vanity sets in potential cross-play updates? I remember reading that you likely wouldn’t, but is there a glimmer of a possibility? The Ocram Mask is my absolute favorite vanity item and I parade it around ;). If you do remove it, should I take it off my character to remove corrupting chances or would it be fine with whatever it’s replaced with? Thanks so much for ten years of awesomeness!!!

Afraid not. All exclusives need to go to get everyone to parity... so that the ideas of crossplay and/or cross-portability even have a chance.


Originally posted by PeksMex

How are you guys doing?

I am in need of caffeine.


Originally posted by DevourerofGlitches

what's your opinion on becoming one of the most recognisable games in the gaming community?

Humbling. Somewhat overwhelming. Also really awesome to be able to be a positive force in the industry.

It is all possible thanks to you!


Originally posted by Asrikian

Why is the Guide called the Chosen one in the Voodoo demon bestiary entry?

The better question is who Chose him... and for what?


Originally posted by FrustratedFries7

What was the inspiration/idea for the golfer NPC? Out of all them, he seems so out of place imo

I had been playing a lot of Golf Story and thought it would be fun to add the golf mechanic to the game. The Golfer NPC is loosely inspired by Tiger Woods as we needed someone to sell golf stuff.


Originally posted by OcramExecution

What will happen to the Dragon Armor, Titan Armor and Spectral Armor vanity on console once it gets 1.4?

They will be unfortunate casualties of the push for parity... and then the push for possible crossplay.


Originally posted by Project_Shiba

Are you ever thinking or re-starting Terraria: Otherw orld?

Another question, will there be a DLC for Terraria?

No, we will not be restarting Otherworld.

We will not be doing paid DLC for Terraria. We have not so far and I don't see that starting now.


Originally posted by PaperAleks

What are your favorite and least favorite weapons in Terraria, including modded?

Favorite is Meowmere. I don't really have a least favorite.