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Every time I come to this website to read the forums… I get a dual loading screen, then when I log in, I also get a dual loading screen…why?
no other website does this, except Ubisoft…

also there is extreme lag in countdown and the reviver hives don’t work while there, apparently it’s the same in the raids, open world is laggy as well…and it’s not my internet, everyone is experiencing this,

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Heya @Tyranmedic , thanks for reaching out about this! I understand you've had issues with both the forum, and with lag in-game - sorry about that 😞 I'll be happy to help you solve this, though!

Can you describe more fully what happens when you use the forum? What steps are you taking, and what does it look like? Does the forum load twice, and what do those loads look like? I'm not sure I've experienced this myself, but I'd certainly like to investigate.

I've had a look around, and I don't see reports of persistent issues with latency at the moment. Although there can be issues with lag from time to time, in the vast majority of cases, this has been resolved with local troubleshooting. With that in mind, can you check our PC connectivity guide for me? In particular from the guide, in this case, please make sure you're running the launcher and game with administrator rights, you've reset your network hardware, you're on a wired connection, and you've checked for conflicting programs such as firewalls, VPNs, or downloader programs. 

If the lag is still happening, can you describe it for me? How does it present itself - is it delayed actions, stuttery framerate, rubberbanding, or something else? With this information, I may be able to suggest something more specific, or investigate further on my end.

Let me know if I can clarify any of these steps or questions!

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Tyranmedic, we also have a connectivity guide for PlayStation 5 that you should follow. Please make sure you also complete the port-forwarding for The Division 2. If you are still experiencing lag in-game after following these steps, we'll need to collect some more detailed information from you in a one-on-one support ticket.

The information we will need at that point is:

  • A screenshot showing the port forwarding has been completed.
  • An in-game screenshot showing your data center and your NAT type
  • A console menu screenshot showing a PlayStation Network Test.

As for the issue you are having on the forum website, the reason that it double loads is that your browser cache remembers you being logged in but every new access attempt on a Ubisoft website requires you to log-in again. The page that loads where it looks like you are already logged in is just the cached version of the page in your browser. The behavior you are describing is normal.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hello @Tyranmedic

We do have an investigation ongoing noting players being connected to the wrong data centre when playing Countdown, but there are no updates available on this.

Please understand that we are not directly involved in the teams who handle these investigations so can only share the information available to us.

In the meantime, for players who do encounter issues, we will continue to share relevant steps as they may allow you to get connected / improve your connection while the wider investigation is still ongoing.

You're at no obligation to complete the steps as it won't affect the wider investigation ongoing, but we share these to try and allow you to play the game while the matter is being looked into.

Thank you for your understanding and if you have any further questions, please let us know.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Galaxy - Direct link

Hey @Tyranmedic

Thank you for your understanding. There are still no updates regarding the ongoing investigation.

Once we will receive new information from the devs, we will post them on the News & Announcement section of the forum.