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I wanted to list off multiple game bugs here since i have not seen any posts from Ubisoft forum admins over bugs i have reported via twitter. So here goes: 1. First Character: Manhunt: Meet with Agent Kelso but she's not where the game says she is. Second character: Breach Pentagon: A. In first part: Defense systems don't turn on nor do enemies spawn nor does open grate interaction work. B. In visitors center: As gate closes, Minigunner carrying keycard backs up trapping him and keycard behind gate. 2. Third character: A. Chirpy Manhunt: After clearing "welcome wagon", entrance door to hotel refuses to open.
Dear Ubisoft, My boyfriend and I love playing this game and would be reheheheally (quoting Jim Carrey) happy if y'all would fix this game.

about 2 years ago - UbiStorm - Direct link

Hey there, @LauraBratWolf . Thank you so much for reporting all of these issues you're experiencing in The Division 2! I've gone ahead and moved your thread to the Player Support area of our Discussions so that we can provide support a little quicker to you. There is one thing I'd like to suggest trying, if you haven't already. To see if they help with any of these issues, would you go ahead and give these basic troubleshooting steps for the PlayStation 4 a try? Would you also confirm for me whether these issues occur every single time you play, or if it's just random?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Thank you for the extra info, @Capsel22

There's a more involved workaround than what I would have previously suggested. Please give this a try for me if you have the ability to do so. Whether this works or fails, please let me know.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Sorry to hear the workaround didn't work for you @Malice_Arrow. The dev team are aware of it and we'll share any updates from them regarding a fix when we hear it from them.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Jopo-JP, sorry to see you're running into this issue as well.

The team has recently finished a very in-depth maintenance that may have resolved some of the major issues players are running into. If you are still running into this problem after that maintenance please let me know!

I have already added your information and screenshot to our investigation of theissue with starting The Pentagon.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Nova - Direct link

Hey @Amiga9000 & @OO7SNUFF,

Thanks for updating us in regards to your experience with the Pentagon issue.
Our development team are still investigating the issue at this time.

We'll up date you as soon as more information becomes available.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hi everyone!

Believe me, I know this issue is frustrating and I understand that waiting for a resolution gets annoying. I assure you, the team is looking into this issue and we are hoping to have an update to share with you all. I'm keeping an eye out for updates on this so that I can share it with everyone here as soon as possible. I thank you all for your reports on this issue!

And @Weirdtual , this has been reported for the Darpa mission as well, the team is looking into both Pentagon and Darpa at this time.