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Anyone having any issues with Negotiator's Dilemma since the update? Pre update all crits would mark the target but that isn't happening now, some targets get marked after 3 or 4 crits, some just refuse to be marked at all. I didn't see anything in any patch notes about changes to this. I read about the pvp changes but nothing to do with how the set works in pve. Cheers
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Baron - Direct link
Hi iamwoodz,

Thank you for reporting this to us.

We are aware of inconsistencies with this gear set, and this has been passed on to the team to be looked into.

If you are able to capture and share some footage of this occurring, then it will be help the team in their investigation.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey folks,

Just to echo what Baron has said, the team are investigating this and if you have any footage of it happening in your game sessions, please record it and drop us a link.

We can pass it onto the team to assist them with their investigation.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey KazariK,

Let us know as soon as you have the footage.

I can appreciate that this may have been an issue for a while, but we request this footage to assist the devs with any investigation they need to do.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Thanks for sharing that KazariK!

I've passed the video onto the team to investigate further.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link
Originally Posted by iamwoodz
Whats happening with this? Still no fix. Nothing mentioned in the pts patch notes. Has the even been acknowledged as an issue yet? Almost 3 months and counting now
Hello there iamwoodz!

Please be assured that our team is still investigating this issue. I'm afraid I have no new information to share yet, but once we have an official update we will post it within the forums.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused, and appreciate your patience at this time.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Originally Posted by iamwoodz
So this has officially been acknowledged as a known issue?
As stated, the team are aware of this as a current issue and are investigating.

We'll update you with further news on the progress of this as and when we receive it.

Thank you for your continued patience at this time.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Originally Posted by KazariK
I have to agree, this is ridiculous! How can Dev's say they have not been able to recreate? I have repeatedly offered to show them.. I did a video in the shooting range.. Multiple clan members have indicated they have the SAME issue... How can they not recreate this???

Massive, Im sorry, Ive been a fanboy for a very very long time, I play daily, I LOVE this game, but the amount of bugs grows beyond what makes this game enjoyable to play... I will be 100000% honest, if it wasnt for my clan, I would of left this game a while ago.. You guys need to fix this issue and others, and saying on the SoTG that you cant fix because you cant create this?? Just disappointed!!!
Could you please provide an up to date video of this issue along with the repro steps and I will forward this onto the dev team.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link
Ok that's great, thanks.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey Aced_100,

The team is still investigating the issue further. Once we have more information, we will do so.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Hey sushileaf,

Thanks for reaching out about this and providing us with your input.

We do not currently have any updates to share at this time, but once we do, we will communicate it.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Swaggins - Direct link
Thanks for confirming the set works for you ForsakenSeraphim.

Can anyone provide an up-to-date video showing the bug in their game?
almost 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
Thank you to everyone for keeping this thread updated! I've requested an update from our teams about this issue, and will share their findings here as soon as I'm able to.
almost 4 years ago - UbiExcellent - Direct link
Hey all! For those of you still experiencing this issue with the Negotiators Dilemma set not marking targets correctly, please confirm which specific items you have equipped when this happens. Most notably, please provide the exact stats on the gear and mods that are equipped, along with the weapon and mods stats, and rounding out with the specialization that's activated.