They Are Billions

They Are Billions Dev Tracker

26 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by L@nix: Hi,
I tried to re-install the game and check the files integrity but I have the same behavior.
I tried to install on anothe pc and copy my save and it worked. I think it should be related to the integrated graphic chip on my dell laptop.
I did the mission on my other pc and I copy back the saves to my main pc. I did not solve the issue but let's call this a simple workaround. I just hope it will be the only mission to do that, my old pc won't take hours on the game even with all settings to ultra low.

What is your laptop integrated gpu?


25 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by L@nix: Hi, I never had any issue with the game so far. I am at 31% of the campaign and can not start the narrow pass mission. Each time I start it the game crashed.
Here is an extract of the log file :
10:43 - Window Show: Le Col Étroit 10:43 - DXGame: Focused Changed to False 10:44 - DXGame: Focused Changed to True 10:44 - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Init 10:44 - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Paused 10:44 - ZXGame - Fade - True With onFinish 10:44 - ZXGame - Fade - End 10:44 - ZXGame - Fade - onFinish 10:44 - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Fade Action 1 10:44 - ZXGame - ShowLoadScreen 10:44 - ZXGame - ShowLoadScreen - End 10:44 - ZXGame - Fade - False With onFinish 10:44 - ZXGame - Fade - End 10:44 - ZXGame - Fade - onFinish 10:44 - ZXGame - ChangeScene - Fade Action 2 10:44 - ZXGame - ChangeScene - loadScene 10:44 - ZXSystem_GameLevel - LoadLevel - Begin 10:44 - ZXSystem_GameLevel - GetMiniMapImage - Begin 10:44 ...
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23 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, it is.


20 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

After asking to the Develop Team about this issue, they have told me that the texts in the achievements are in charg of STEAM directly so you should send a request directly to their support.


    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi again,

It's nice to read you now can play the game properly.

Enjoy it.


19 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please, check the sound options in the game. There is slider dedicated just to the main game sound.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Any kind of towers. Ballistas, Executors and also Shock Towers. You cannot build wood or stone tower either.


18 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Delete Configuration file that usually is in the path Documents/My Games/They Are billions.


16 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Could you please take a full screen pic of the achievements in Russian language?

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

In your STEAM library click on the name of the game. After that in the right side of the page will appear all them. So you only have to click on them to watch all of them and their description.


15 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

This is the first time I hear about an issue similar to the one you describe. If you have any kind of special gaming mouse, check if the drivers are updated.



10 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Illi: Hi, why don't add a mod for play with one friend 2 base on same map ? i don't know if the idea is possible or not but for add this need to buy a new pass for this for contribution ?
:steamthumbsup: :steamthumbsdown:
have a good days.


Please, read the F.A.Q pinned thread.

... Read more

09 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by General Bacardi: why give research points now at the end of the campaign? Does research carry over into survival mode or some other thing?

After finishing your last mission you can continue playing missions of the campaign so you have more researchs to play them.


08 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

I have been testing several pc configurations and also different settings and I'm not able to reproduce the same issue. Do you use any kind of programs like Nvidia Experience or something similar?


07 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Let's check it


05 Apr

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RimeSteel Arkinox: i have tried everything on internet... disable windows defender, withelist firewall, check files integrity, reinstaled, run as administrator, run in compatibility mode for windows 7, nothing works, the game just closes as soon as it opens... help pls. (it used to work before, i reset my pc a time a ago, and decided to play again and this happened)


Please, could you copy here the lines in your ZXLog file. This file usually is in the path Documents/My Games/They are Billions.

Thanks in advance.

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by patwest: I can no longer play "They are Billions" because the save game feature is hopelessly bugged. I can play until I try to save and exit and then I have a 1 in 5 chance of it saving. I usually get one of many different error messages. Sometimes it will default me back to the previous save but most often it will not load the save game. Renaming the backup has no effect. It was a great game while it lasted but with no support anymore I'll just have to sulk for awhile, and move on.


If you are having issues with your saved game check if there is something blocking the game. Usually this kind of issues comes from antivirus/firewalls or any kind of real time antivirus scanners.

Anyway there is a specific part of the forum dedicated to Bug Reporting where you can make a thread to track your problem.

Check here --->> ... Read more

31 Mar

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Andrewbh2003: pretty sure when you go to delete more than 1 structure the game asks you to confirm said decision as a safety net

but the answer is "No"

Just this

29 Mar

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You have a backup option to make all the backups of your Campaings you want. Use ESC key when you are in the main map screen and you will see it.


25 Mar

    Gomez on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Could you record a clip of the issue and upload it to Youtube or other video site to watch it?

Thanks in advance.
